Sat | Sep 28, 2024

Almost there, Hope Zoo!

Published:Saturday | July 13, 2013 | 12:00 AM
Lucas is the king of Hope Zoo's jungle, if you will. The African lion is the first to live at the recently renovated zoo.
Carlene Edwards, sponsorship and public relations manager of Supreme Ventures Ltd (SVL), and Orlando Robinson, curator, Hope Zoo Preservation Foundation, take a look at the macaws donated by SVL to the Hope Zoo in January.-File photos

Some months ago, I had written a letter of criticism and concern regarding the way in which some of the animals at Hope Zoo were apparently being kept and treated. I had special concerns for the iguana's diet (which seems not to have changed up to now from callaloo and tomato) - and the lack of water, etc., in some of the snake enclosures.

I am still concerned with the green iguana's diet. It requires a very varied mix of vegetables, including, most important, alfalfa (rabbit chow), raw mustard greens, and raw grated squash (pumpkin). I am hoping that the callaloo and tomato are not their daily fare!

Of course, the most dramatic addition of a lion, Lucas, is of especially great interest to all of us. It is good that we now have a lion, and his enclosure appears nicely set up - although smaller than desirable for such an animal.

I imagine and hope that the persons in charge of this lion are knowledgeable and caring, being well versed in all the 'enrichment' details that zoo-kept animals such as this will need for their comfort and health - mental and physical. I am glad, however, that, at least, Lucas the lion is not in a 'jail cell'-type enclosure, as some big cats are often so cruelly kept.

I have visited the Hope Zoo twice very recently and am strongly recommending a visit to anyone who wishes to relax, to enjoy, to educate and to learn. The Hope Zoo grounds have been (and are still being) beautifully upgraded, and the animals' enclosures, for the most part, are well thought out and set up for the animals' various needs.

Much excellent work has been done and is still in progress to make this a zoo we can be proud of at last.

I hope that a lot of prospective visitors will not be denied a chance to see the zoo because of the increased entrance fee, and also that some of the vendors who used to sell in the parking lot at the entrance will be reinstated, for their own and the visitors' benefit.

Congratulations to the curator, Mr Orlando Robinson, and his team of employees at the Hope Zoo.


Kingston 10