Fri | Sep 27, 2024


Published:Thursday | December 5, 2013 | 12:00 AM

Scamming graduates?

1. Word that at least 25 recent graduates of a particular discipline at one of our institutions of higher learning were implicated in the illegal scamming, but were given a pass because one of the alleged perpetrators had family connections within the investigating organisation, has left a sense of disquiet and misgiving in its wake.

'Witness protection'

2. Some observers are saying it's not just the police and/or prosecutors who are offering witnesses protection and relocation expenses. They say it has been recently discovered that some charged with 'defence' are also offering their version of the 'witness protection programme'.

Credit for service!

3. Worker is adjudged 'Employee of the Month' by reputable business organisation for her 'competitive edge and initiative'. There is a ceremony to celebrate and hold her up as an example of what the company is looking for in its employees. She is presented with an award, she opens her envelope to find a SIM card with a grand total of J$100 credit! Now, how's that for an inspiring and motivational reward?

'Exciting date'

4. Young man takes young lady on their first date! Young lady orders the most expensive items on the menu, including a bottle of champagne. It was not a special occasion, so the young man was a bit perplexed. She, however, was in hog's heaven and ate like she was just coming off a long-term diet. Somewhere in the middle of her gorging herself, he excused himself to use the 'restroom' and has not been seen since! Moral of the story? Gluttony and 'Gladys' behaviour are not endearing traits!

It's time to go!

5. The wife of one of the losers has been very vocal. Her new message is "It's time to leave, as the bunch of losers do not represent any hope for renewal or the country!"

Forgiveness time

6. Seems like there are moves afoot to try and have the 'defrocked' one reinstated in some kind of officiating powers. Word is his flock has forgiven him and the basic tenet of the faith is forgiveness, so those objecting should start practising what they preach and forgive and move on!

Home again?

7. Remember the highfaluting, champagne-drinking one who squandered a fortune and is now working as a coat-checker in Macy's in Florida? Well, word is she wants to return home, but none of her old friends who helped her squander her fortune are prepared to help her resettle!