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Duty to be removed from some tourism sector imports

Published:Friday | December 27, 2013 | 12:00 AM

The Portia Simpson Miller-led administration on Tuesday passed a resolution for the removal of duty from several items when imported by owners and operators of hotels and guest houses.

The exempt items include communication equipment, electric cooking equipment, kitchen sinks, linen and towels.

The resolution that was passed in Parliament takes effect on January 1.

President of the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA), Evelyn Smith, says the changes will benefit entities in the accommodation and attractions subsector which are currently not under an incentive scheme.

"This is of tremendous importance to our members and really good and welcome news. Those entities that do not have the ability to bring in items duty-free that they can upgrade quickly - that has been a problem and we have long felt that there was need for a constant mechanism of being able to upgrade your property so that it stays fresh, because that's what resonates in the eyes of the consumer."

The JHTA president adds that there are still other concerns in the sector and the association will continue to have dialogue with the Government.