Fri | Jun 7, 2024

TRN list for jury selection

Published:Thursday | May 29, 2014 | 12:00 AM

JAMAICANS WITH a Taxpayer Registration Number (TRN) will join the list of persons on the voters' list as persons who could be selected for jury duty.

The addition of persons on the TRN list to the age-old system of using persons on the voters' list only is being pursued vigorously as part of efforts to reform the jury system.

Sandrea Falconer, minister with responsibility for information, told journalists during a Jamaica House media briefing yesterday that drafting instructions have been issued to the chief parliamentary counsel to prepare the required legislation.

As part of the reform, it is proposed that the penalty for refusing to do jury duty be increased. At present, a person who refuses to do jury service can be fined up to $2,000. There are plans to extend the hours during which jury summonses can be served.

Additionally, the Government is moving to reduce the categories of persons exempt from jury duty and the stipend paid to jurors will be increased.

Further, employees summoned for jury duty are to be protected from the loss of their employment.