Sat | Oct 5, 2024

Noise nuisance

Published:Friday | January 1, 2010 | 12:00 AM

The Editor, Sir:

On Sunday, December 27, at the end of the Christmas weekend, anyone living close to the so-called Barbican Beach City facility was unable to enjoy their own property between the hours of approximately 4.00 p.m. and midnight due to eight hours of deafening noise.

We were unable to have a conversation inside our own walls, to listen to our own music or even hear the TV news. Calls to the police did result in the music being turned down for short periods.

It is unconscionable that this facility is being used as a party venue, given its proximity to a large residential neighbourhood. We have learned not to expect much from government regulatory bodies but we note, from photographs in the social pages of the newspapers, that this nuisance appears to have been supported by Red Stripe. Surely it is not too much to expect that private-sector companies might use a little judgment in their choice of venue?

We will put up with the screams of 'G-O-A-L' and the bashing of dominoes but, please, Mr Mayor, there is no way Barbican Beach City should be allowed to use amplified sound.

We are, etc.,



East Kings House Road

St Andrew