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A brilliant mind

Published:Tuesday | August 16, 2011 | 12:00 AM
Wolmer's High School student, Kaydean Allen, shows off her various certificates during an interview with The Gleaner yesterday. - Norman Grindley/Chief Photographer

  • Kaydean Allen cops eight distinctions in CSEC

Nadisha Hunter, Staff Reporter

When it comes to her education, growing up in the tough inner-city area of Jones Avenue in Greendale, Spanish Town, St Catherine, has not been a deterrent for Kaydean Allen.

That's because Kaydean, a student of Wolmer's High School for Girls, has conditioned her mind to achieve great rewards in her studies and allowed herself to be guided by God.

"I go to church, so I don't allow the violence to bother me," Kaydean told The Gleaner on a visit to her home yesterday.

Those seem to be the ingredients for Kaydean's success in the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations, in which she scored eight distinctions in physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, English A, English B, Spanish and information technology.

But despite her achievements, one thing for sure is that having sleepless nights and living the life of a bookworm were not on the cards for Kaydean, as she said she remained relaxed, even when it came down to the wire.

"I like the sciences, so I didn't have sleepless nights studying the books," she said.

"Sometimes, we as fifth formers just slack off and the teachers thought we couldn't have done it, but I did it and I am happy," she boasted.

"Sometimes I lay down with a textbook and I am in front of the television studying; and I would be there watching the television and reading the book, so I didn't really beat the books," she added.

Kaydean said she lived by the philosophy 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me', and that it was the one thing she used as a motivational tool for doing well.

Kaydean, who was beaming with pride as she explained her achievements, said she would be moving on to sixth form so that she can be one step closer to achieving her goal of becoming a doctor.

Keeping the bar high

The confident Wolmerian said she expected to do well as she was always a top achiever.

The many awards she has received for her academic achievements serve as evidence of the A-average she maintained ever since she started high school.

"From second form straight to fifth form I was in honours class, because I maintained a good average," Kaydean explained.

She gave much praise to her family and friends, as well as her teachers who have worked tirelessly to help her achieve great results.

She said her mother, Marcia Allen, who is a household helper, gave her every ounce of support, including the necessary resources for her to complete her schoolwork.

"My mother would get up early and follow me to the bus stop and I would get all the books and other stuff that are important to help me to be successful, and so I did this for her and I know I will be successful to help her," she added.

 If you have been successful in CSEC with at least eight subjects, send us your results, a photograph, and a contact number to so we can share your story.