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LETTER OF THE DAY - Longer school year too taxing for us students

Published:Friday | March 22, 2013 | 12:00 AM


'All work and no play will make Jack a dull boy' is a popular saying that emphasises the point that too much work is detrimental.

Extending the school year will definitely hinder the young generation, the nation's future, from experiencing the perks of life. The extension of the school year will result in reduced social skills and diminished relaxation of the body and mind, which are precious pleasures experienced during summer and other holidays.

The extension of the school year will allow for less time to socialise among peers. This period of socialisation allows one to develop one's personality and skills in order to function in a society that is building relationships. Great social skills, more broadly, may either be the platform for the routine task of starting a relationship or building bridges of industry and cooperation among businesses or countries.

Overworking the brain will exhaust the body. Students will become tired and restless. Scientific research has proven that excessive work will cause increased pressure and headaches. The constant reminder to complete assignments and study notes year round would be too much. Were you ever a child?

I advise the Government to find different initiatives to increase our ability to learn new topics. Let's work to make Jack a normal boy and not a dull robot.


Grade 11B Student

Kingston 10