Sun | Jun 16, 2024

Tech question of the week:

Published:Monday | November 11, 2013 | 12:00 AM
Joni Lopez
Orville Spence
Twudian Smith

What's one technological innovation that you are looking forward to being integrated into our everyday lives?

Readers' responses:

Twudian Smith

The manufacturers of cars have already come up with the concept of self-parking systems. These systems allow the car to park with simple inputted instructions. Now it's time for these manufacturers and their designers to develop a car that does not require a manual driver. You should only be required to enter the destination, and the vehicle takes you there on its own. Maybe this would reduce the number of accidents that occur each year, improve the way drivers communicate, and save on fuel consumption.

Joni Lopez

It has been rumoured that teleporters already exist in some parts of the world, yet it is a hypothetical method of travel or moving from one location to another that involves breaking down the body into particles in a matter of seconds. It is impossible that this exists. However, if this could be integrated into our everyday lives, it would assist with traffic control, reduce congestion of the vehicles on the roads, and help with controlling the carbon emissions that are destroying the ozone layer.

Orville Spence

Realistically, I would like to see cold fusion, but it is a long way off in the future if scientists can develop affordable technology and influence the general scientific community to accept it. Jamaica's energy bill is extremely high. Even small businesses are receiving bills up to $2 million. Cold fusion would improve various technologies - from transport to heat production. On another note, having holographic images viewable from my television or laptop would be interesting - similar to the concept of the movie, Minority Report.