Wed | Sep 25, 2024

Police advisory for persons attending PNP conference

Published:Friday | September 18, 2015 | 9:37 AM

The police are advising persons attending the public session of People's National Party (PNP) 77th annual conference, at the National Arena today that no firearms, knives, drugs, ice picks, machetes, umbrellas (walking stick type), glass bottles, or any other items that can be used to cause serious harm or injury, will be allowed inside the venues.

Delegates and supporters are also further advised that all persons entering the venues will be subject to search.

1. No vending will be allowed outside of the designated areas.

2. No provision will be made for the storage of prohibited or restricted items at any of the venues. Licensed firearm holders are being advised to leave their weapons with the local police or make alternative arrangements for safekeeping, as no firearms will be kept by the Stadium Police.

Motorists are being reminded that all provisions of the Road Traffic Act will be strictly enforced.

In particular, drivers are being warned not to allow passengers to hang from the doors of motor buses, sit on top of motor vehicles, or have any part of the body whatsoever protruding from the motor vehicles.

The police are also imploring drivers to obey the speed limit, and to desist from dangerous and careless driving on the nation's roads this weekend.

According to the police, the full force of the law will be brought to bear on anyone found in contravention of any of the provisions of the law.