Sat | Sep 28, 2024

Still no decision on position of St Hilda’s head girl

Published:Thursday | October 22, 2015 | 7:32 PM

Up to press time last night, the St Hilda's Diocesan High School board had not decided whether to reinstate Jade Bascoe as head girl of the institution.

The girl's mother, Rhonda Clarke, who, along with her daughter, spent some time being questioned by the board yesterday afternoon, told The Gleaner shortly after emerging from the meeting that a decision had still not been taken.

"They questioned us about the whole thing, but I can't say what direction they are heading," Clarke said, when asked whether it appeared that the board would recall her daughter to the position.

Clarke, who previously stated that the decision to accept the post of head girl once more rested with her daughter, said it appeared that she would be willing to serve in the position if offered the chance.

"I think she would take it back, but I leave it to her," said Clarke.

She said the chairman told her he would call her later with the final decision.

Clarke said the saga was not affecting her daughter's school-work and she was still focused on her lessons.

Two representatives of the Ministry of Education attended the meeting with members of the school board.