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Protect our children - Internationally acclaimed paediatrician to visit Jamaica

Published:Friday | June 10, 2016 | 12:00 AM
Dr Nadine Burke Harris

The Child Development Agency (CDA) in association with the Embassy of the United States of America will be hosting paediatrician Dr Nadine Burke Harris.

Dr Burke Harris will be conducting a series of lectures across the island from June 13 to June 15 under the theme 'Know your ACES: Uncovering the Link between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Illnesses in Adulthood'.

The American paediatrician, who is of Jamaican heritage, is an advocate of a study conducted by the Center for Disease Control in the mid-1990s, which revealed that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and stress trauma can cause negative effects on a person's physical health as an adult.

"Based on reports received from our psychologists in the agency, we realised that in treating children, we could not take a one-dimensional approach or treatment. Therefore, we want to make an impact through the possibility of sponsoring further research in this area," said Audrey Budhi, director of children and family programmes at the CDA.

Dr Burke Harris has been encouraging health groups/professionals to re-examine how they treat children who have had adverse childhood experiences.




During her visit, Dr Burke Harris will be engaging local stakeholders, who have direct interface with children, to examine the potential value of her work to the Jamaica's children.

On Monday, June 13, she will be having a special media briefing. On Tuesday, June 14, Dr Burke Harris will speak at the Northern Caribbean University and a Podcast at Sam Sharpe Teachers' College; and on Wednesday, June 15, the last lecture series will be held at the University of the West Indies.