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Religion & Culture | ‘The Third Eye’: A gateway to psychic powers

Published:Wednesday | March 22, 2017 | 12:00 AMDr Glenville Ashby

If thine eye is single thy whole body shall be full of light
- Matthew 6: 22

Quantum physics has debunked the Newtonian theory of matter and confirmed what Socrates and the ancients have long said ­ we are essentially composed of atom and molecules.

We are beings with seven energy centres that govern our organs and glands. The Hindus refer to these centres as ‘chakras’, colourful wheels of energy only perceptible to a sensitive or psychic.

The Quran calls them seven heavens: “Then he directed Himself to the heaven, and made them seven heavens, and He is Knowing of all things (2:164); Again, we see the reference to seven heavens in 23:17.

Taoists speak of the Dantian, a reservoir of energy located one inch below the navel. Our deficiencies ­ mental, emotional and spiritual ­ are due to the stagnation of this energy flow.
Mahatmas or holy men and women have always taught that to attain enlightenment, the chakras must be engaged, activated. Acupuncture also attests to the health benefits of energy that flows freely through the meridians or channels in the body.


Each of the seven chakras impacts us differently. The root chakra at the base of the spine reflects our sense of stability and grounding; the sacral chakra at the lower abdomen signifies emotionalism and pleasures; the solar plexus chakra represents confidence and self-worth; the heart chakra represents our capacity to love; the throat chakra signifies our ability to communicate; the third eye chakra, which is between the brows, empowers. It affords us imaginative prowess, wisdom, intuition, and perceptive abilities.

And finally, the crown chakra is the bridge to the Divine. Once activated, the individual experiences what is called ‘Samadhi’ or God consciousness.

The Pope’s skull cap or ‘zucchetto’, and that of Jews, called a ‘yarmulke’, and that of Muslims, called a ‘taqiyah’, signify the sanctity of the crown of the head. Sadly, the esoteric meaning of skull caps is lost and replaced with mere tradition and custom.

But here, we are concerned with the area between the brow ­ The Third Eye, also called the ‘All Seeing Eye of Consciousness’ by metaphysicians, ‘Ajna’ by Hindus, the ‘Eye of Horus’ by Ancient Egyptians, and ‘Khafi’ by Muslims.


The great philosopher Descartes called it the ‘seat of the soul.’ In essence, the Third Eye is the pineal gland located near to the centre of the brain between the two hemispheres.

In ancient Egypt, the ‘uraeus’ or upright form of a cobra on the Pharaoh’s headdress represented royalty and wisdom. But more so, it unmistakably signified the awakened Third Eye. Once awakened through a series of spiritual practices, the door to mystical, occult experiences is swung wide open.

Interestingly, the sacred books of every great religion make mention of the phenomena attached to the Third Eye.

In the Bible, we read in Matthew 6:22-23 - “The light of the body is the eye; therefore if thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light thine. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness.”

The Holy Bhagavad Gita and the Vedas emphasise that spirituality begins with the Third Eye. Guru Paramhamsa Nithyananda states, “There is no master in the East who has not worked on awakening (it). All the Hindu Devas and Devis (gods and goddess) are visually seen through three eyes. It means that only if your Third Eye is awakened you can become God, not otherwise.”

Many on the mystic path yearn for the experiences that the Third Eye offers. They seek the powers of telepathy, clairvoyance, and clairaudience. They desire to fulfil Jesus’ very exhortation: “It is written in your own Scriptures that God said to certain leaders of the people, ‘I say, Ye are gods’.” (John 10:34)

They wish to experience what the rishis, avatars, and saints ­ the wise ones of the East and West ­ have shared in books and lectures.


The Third Eye can be awakened through a number of methods, most notably a spiritual regimen that includes fasting, prayer, meditation, chanting, yogic breathing techniques, a regimented diet, and spiritual austerities.

For Catholics and other Christians, St Ignatius’ ‘Spiritual Exercises’ can prove invaluable. Charity and intense love for God will also expand our consciousness.

The Third Eye is also awakened during the dying process. No one is exempt. This experience can be unnerving and agitating for the dying person as sights and sounds from the inner planes (spiritual dimensions) are experienced.

In the Quran, we read: “Indeed you were heedless of this, now We have removed your veil and sharp is your sight this day.” (50:22) .

Third Eye awakening signifies that the lower energy centres are also open and the individual has transcended the trappings of mundanity. But this can take years, if not many lifetimes.

Unfortunately, many have become victims of haste and inexperience. The result has been calamitous, so much so that religious and spiritual problems are now included in DSM-IV, commonly referred to as the bible of psychiatry.

An improperly awakened Third Eye can lead to what is now called a spiritual emergency or spiritual crisis. Hearing voices, visual hallucinations, delusions, dysthymia, mania, and cognitive distortions await those who dabble in metaphysics for self-serving reasons.

Still, the All Seeing Eye of Consciousness is a privilege, a unique gift bestowed on the very few who genuinely seek union with the Divine.

- Dr Glenville Ashby is the author of Anam Cara: Your Soul Friend and Bridge to Enlightenment and Creativity, now on sale in audio book format.Feedback: or follow him on Twitter@glenvilleashby