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Denise says sorry - PNP Opposition MP admits that 'green people' comment was unacceptable

Published:Saturday | April 28, 2018 | 12:00 AM

Facing a growing backlash over her comments on a political stage last Sunday about how 'green people' are treated in her Eastern St Catherine constituency, Member of Parliament Denise Daley yesterday issued an apology.

Daley had told Comrades at the meeting in West Rural St Andrew that green people are not tolerated in her constituency and would be asked to leave.

The governing Jamaica Labour Party has green as its colour, and critics were quick to accuse Daley of returning to the worst of Jamaican politics.

In a statement yesterday, Daley said her remarks from the political platform were not intended to offend, "but based on all of the subsequent commentaries surrounding the statement", she now understands that it was not appropriate and regrets making such remarks.

According to Daley, whereas she had no intention of removing anyone from her constituency based on their affiliation, it did not change the interpretation and the fact that it could generate unease among residents in sections of her constituency.

She added that throughout her 31 years as a representative at the local and national levels, she has enjoyed warm relations with political opponents, and was therefore offering no excuses for her statement.

"Ms Daley offers a full apology to her constituents, the political ombudsman, the People's National Party, and the people of Jamaica for the remarks made, and said she will continue to conduct herself in a matter consistent with peace and goodwill, and the lowering of political tension and tribalism," the statement added.