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No reported cases of dengue deaths in Jamaica, says Health Ministry

Published:Sunday | June 10, 2018 | 12:00 AM

To date, the Ministry of Health (MOH) says that it has had no reported cases of dengue fever-related deaths in Jamaica but is still seeking to warn the public of the importance of avoiding mosquito bites.

In a statement yesterday, citizens were reminded that the best way to remain dengue free is to avoid getting bitten by the insect.

"The best way to prevent dengue is to avoid mosquito bites. The ministry is reiterating the importance of personal protection against mosquito bites, including the destruction of breeding sites in and around the home," the statement read.

The statement outlined some likely mosquito breeding sites to be old tires, laundry tanks, covered tanks/cisterns, barrels, discarded buckets, construction blocks, discarded cans, and unmaintained pools.

Dengue fever is a disease transmitted through a bite from an infected female Aedes Egypti mosquito and is caused by the dengue virus. The Aedes mosquito is the same vector responsible for transmitting the chikungunya, yellow fever, and zika viruses.

Infected persons usually begin seeing signs three to 14 days after infection. Symptoms include high fever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains.