Sun | Jun 16, 2024

Art you can use by #TheArtistJavier

Published:Sunday | August 11, 2019 | 12:00 AMJessica Harrison - Gleaner Writer
‘Flora 2018’, acrylic painting on canvas. Currently on display and available for sale at Modify Me, Fairview, Montego Bay.
Single-serving plate from the ‘Art deserves a place at the table too’ collection 2019. Currently on display and available for sale at Marianna’s Kitchen, Market Place, Kingston.
Teapot 001 From the "Art deserves a place at the table too" Collection 2019. Currently one display and available for sale at Marianna's Kitchen, Market Place, Kingston
sketch books by ashurii designs ft the Artist Javier (sketch books with paintings on the cover) a few are available.
Jelly mama. Digital art. 2018. Collaborative piece by the photographer Cesar Buelto and the Artist Javier (jelly woman with cutlass. Art was featured in the Due West annual exhibition by the National Gallery. West, Montego Bay)

If you’ve ever wanted to buy art but questioned its functionality in your household, meet 29-year-old Javier Dayes, the face behind the brand, #TheArtistJavier. Dayes is an artist and an entrepreneur who feels the need to share his art with Jamaicans by putting them on some of your everyday-use items, such as books, plates, teapots and cups.

The Manchester native spent his earlier days, up until 12 years old, dreaming of becoming an architect and like every other child, he planned on taking the traditional route to adulthood. Having spent seven years at the prestigious all-boys school, Munro College, in St Elizabeth, Dayes then packed his bag and made his way to Kingston, where he enrolled in the University of Technology Jamaica’s architectural degree programme.

“Architecture wasn’t going well and I knew it wasn’t for me. Art was always my first love and I decided not to waste any more money trying to squeeze myself into a shell that didn’t fit and just follow my dreams,” he recounted.

Soon after this realisation, Dayes moved back home to Manchester for a few years where he practised his art and made plans to get his name on the local art market. Frequent visits to Kingston turned into permanent residency when he found his footing by landing art jobs and rubbing shoulders with other creatives on the Kingston art scene.

“I guess you could call me an abstract painter but my style of art is pretty multidisciplinary. I don’t like to box myself in so I’m open to different types of mediums and styles of expressions.”

Functional Art

When asked what inspired the idea of putting his art on everyday items, Dayes face lit up. “Truthfully, what inspired me was a previous project that I got and it opened up what you could call ‘a different world’ for me where I started to look at various materials that, when paired with my style, it came out beautifully,” he said.

With a need to earn and wanting to showcase his talent, Dayes explored different materials and as such, you can now purchase his art and use it both in your household or while on the go.

Why should you make this purchase? How many times have you gone into stores to get something you need and it has the elements of abstract art? Not very often. Dayes work is different and that sets him apart from the lot which will in turn set your new dining table apart from that of all your friends.

Challenges, Support and Advise

Like all things, challenges love to show their heads and test what we are made of; the world of an artist is no different. “Being an entrepreneur who wears all the hats in the business is quite challenging. As a creative, you have to create the product, market it – have people skills plus do the books,” said Dayes. He is, however, very grateful for his support system which consists of his small circle of friends who are constant and willingly pick up the slack where he falls off.

Javier Dayes is breathlessly chasing his dreams of becoming a renowned name, featured in famous galleries across the globe. Having been on the journey for over four years, he has learnt quite a bit and freely left some advice for young creatives:

“It’s not a race. Be patient with yourself, your craft and your expectations. The longer you practice, the better you will get. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out on the line and show your art. Look at different types of art and be inspired by the different genres. Everything will fall into place.”

Would you like to get your hands on some #TheArtistJavier? Or, perhaps collaborate and make magic? Contact Javier Dayes:

IG: @the_artist_javier

Facebook: The Artist Javier
