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Trevor E. S. Smith | Using questions to drive success, goal attainment

Published:Sunday | December 1, 2019 | 12:00 AM

Questions have great effect. Asking the right questions is one key to success. Go through the following routine daily for the next 90 days and reap rich rewards.


• Why am I so richly blessed?

• What are the specific blessings that I want to reflect on at this time?

• From this place of gratitude, what is the most compelling thing that I want to celebrate today?



• What is my personal brand?

• What does that mean with respect to my mindset today?

• What are three behaviours I can display to be a great brand ambassador?

• What situation might present a challenge for me to navigate today?

• How will I navigate that challenge?

• What theme/thoughts capture who I am going to be today?



• What are my overarching goals?

• What are five elements of my big picture? (Manifestations of what I think of as ‘success’.)

• What is the ‘WHY’ of whatever I am pursuing? (What are my main motivators?)

• What is the vision statement/elevator speech/statement of purpose that I use to focus my mind?

• What is it about the ‘desired new state’/goal that gives me fixity of purpose?

• What is the non-negotiable goal that is driving me?



• From a place of appreciating the negative impact of mental blocks, what negative thoughts do I want to highlight and deal with today?

• What are the root causes of those limiting beliefs or bad habits?

• What corrective actions must I focus on today?

• What replacement thoughts or actions must I use to redirect me away from the limiting thoughts or bad habits at the very hint that they may appear?

• What strategies can I deploy to avoid even having to encounter situations in which the negative thoughts or actions might surface?



• What are my top three priorities today?

• What is the single most important action that I can take with respect to each one?

• What is the prevailing spirit with which I will face today?

• Where can I look to for support?

• Where can I offer support?

• Whose life can I make better today?



I recognise the potential impact of my subconscious. I know that the brain relentlessly seeks answers to questions. I know that I can pose questions and leave the answers to the brain in such a way as to produce positive results in my life. Therefore, each day I consistently ask empowering ‘why’ questions that are linked to my objectives and vision.

Write your own questions. Here are examples:

• Why am I so disciplined and full of self-control?

• Why do I have such clarity with respect to my next steps?

• Why do I have the courage to speak out about toxic and anti-social behaviour?

• Why am I such a consistent, positive influence in the lives of others?

• Why do I consistently meet and often exceed my objectives?

It is critical that I do not seek to answer the questions. I ask them with a positive air of expectancy that the situations the questions envisage will be manifested. [Send me yours for verification that you have got it.]


• What steps will I take to eat healthily today?

• Where will I fit in my exercise/physical health regime today?

• How am I arming myself to reject toxic thoughts today?

• What is my plan to protect my mind, body and soul today?


• Where am I with respect to who I want to be today?

• Have I sought opportunities to manifest that persona?

• Have I slipped up?

• What can I do to get back on track?

• What is the most important thing that I can do right now?



• Was I the person that I wanted to be today?

• What things brought me great satisfaction today?

• What things did I ace today?

• What lessons can I take away from those positives?

• In what ways could I have been better today?

• What lessons can I learn from where I fell short?

• What commitments can I make with respect to tomorrow?



• How can I redirect my thoughts so as to achieve a sense of peace?

• What thoughts will I embrace so as to rest well?

• Is there some nagging issue that I need to resolve or put on hold until tomorrow?



Ensure that your 2020 goals are achieved. Talk to us about how we can move your team to the next level.

- Trevor E. S. Smith/Success with People Academy. We guide the development of high-performance teams. We are interpersonal relations, group dynamics, and performance-enhancement specialists. We provide learning and productivity-enhancement technology solutions. We offer behavioural assessments from Extended DISC on the revolutionary FinxS Platform and e-Competency Frameworks in our SPIKE solution. Email: