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Ex-cop fêtes Frazier’s Content residents

Published:Tuesday | December 24, 2019 | 12:23 AMRasbert Turner/Gleaner Writer

It was an early Christmas celebration on Sunday for a number of residents in Frazier’s Content who were gifted with care packages by a former member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, Superintendent Hornet Williams.

“This is the man I look to for the last eight years for my Christmas package, and I have not been disappointed so far,” 85-year-old Georgette Manderson said.

The octogenarian’s comments were supported by other recipients.

“God bless Supa Willy. Him always a give from what he has, and I am very pleased with his efforts as I cannot walk, so it means a great deal to me,” said another resident.

Williams said that his purpose to serve goes beyond the Jamaica Constabulary Force.

He made the remark while he handed the gift packages to several shut-ins and indigent persons throughout Frazier’s Content, Ebony Vale, and surrounding areas.

“When I was a policeman, the less fortunate was always on my mind. Therefore, I formed Supa Willy Promotions and have been giving back for several years. When you give to those in need, your blessings ­multiply,” the St Mary native said.

“I know what it is like to be without some basic things. I know what it is to walk to school, so if I can help one person to enjoy a good meal, I believe that it is also service to ­mankind,” Williams said.