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Vere Tech student elated to be back in face-to-face setting

Published:Wednesday | December 16, 2020 | 12:24 AMCecelia Campbell-Livingston/Gleaner Writer

Sixth-form Vere Technical High School student Jasett Johnson has said she is elated to being back in the formal classroom settings.

Johnson told The Gleaner that it was costly to purchase data to facilitate online learning.

“When I am at home, I can’t focus because of distractions, Internet breaks and other home issues,” she said, adding that although she is happy about being back in school, she is still fearful.

Johnson said although she washes her hands and sanitises frequently, she is still apprehensive because she does not know if her fellow students are COVID-19-free.

“I still won‘t know if other students are asymptomatic. I also travel in taxis, which sometimes have up to four persons in the back,” she said.

Principal of the school, Antoinette Banton Ellis, said the reopening of the school to students from grades 10 to 13 has been going exceptionally well. She said most of the students have turned up for classes, and those who were absent had the guidance counsellor checking in to ascertain the reasons for their absence.

“Some of the reasons are just the same financial issues that were there before COVID-19. It’s not due to the pandemic or their not wanting to be here, and so we are working with them to clear that up,” she said.


However, the principal said the reopening does not come without its challenges, because although the students have been complying by washing their hands, wearing masks and sanitising, it is difficult for them to maintain physical distance once they are out of the classrooms.

“You know we are a social people, so sometimes it is difficult for them, once they are out the class settings, to maintain that. So, we have to remind them to sit far apart from each other while holding a conversation, telling them they don’t have to be in each other’s faces,” she shared, adding that it is a new lesson that they now have to learn.

Banton Ellis said the reopening for the upper school is helping them to prepare for January, as it gives administrators and teachers the opportunity to assess themselves and to implement other protocols in an effort to make the environment safer for both staff and students.