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Beware of paedophiles, warns St James custos

Rose Heights, Farm Heights log on to free community Wi-Fi

Published:Wednesday | August 10, 2022 | 12:06 AMAlbert Ferguson/Gleaner Writer


St James Custos Bishop Conrad Pitkin urged parents and guardians to be vigilant and to shield their children from online paedophiles as a free community Wi-Fi service was being launched in the Rose Heights and Farm Heights areas of the parish on Monday.

“There are paedophiles out there and it is your responsibility as a parent to protect your child,” Pitkin charged.

The custos said the world is filled with perverts and persons with sick minds, and urged users to exercise caution when using the Internet.

“I encourage you as parents to monitor your children to ensure their protection from these deviants that you have online, that will hack into their systems with all kinds of things,” he warned.

His call was echoed by the St James police.

“Pay attention to what your children are looking at, find out their password on everything,” urged Deputy Superintendent of Police Angela McIntosh-Gayle, territorial officer for the police’s Community Safety and Security Branch in St James.

“You are their friends, not just their parents and guardians,” McIntosh-Gayle said, while encouraging parents to build trust with their children.

“Don’t let anybody love your children before you, you love your children first,” she insisted.

Meanwhile, residents of the Farm Heights and Rose Heights communities have wholeheartedly welcomed the free Wi-Fi service made possible by the Universal Service Fund.

“The Wi-Fi access has been widely received by the communities,” said Christopher McKenzie, liaison officer for the communities.

He said that children who live in the communities would be able to access the Internet service to complete research and assignments or browse the Web on the outside of the community centre, where the signal is strongest, while the facility undergoes repairs.