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Should Christians be involved in politics?

Published:Wednesday | November 30, 2022 | 12:07 AM


Can someone who professes Christianity and who faithfully upholds the creeds of the Bible appropriately share in the nation’s politics? Can he actually be a guiding light to the State and the moral voice of society?

Invariably, the Church, whatever that is, is petitioned to seek audience with God in rescuing a nation that is collapsing on itself with increasing slaughter and bloodbath.

Some may think occasions such as the Prayer Breakfast are timely gatherings along with emergency appeals for prayer warriors and men of the cloth to intervene. Yet, is that actually the Christian’s mission, as good as the intentions may appear?

For example, one well-used scripture which is often voiced as a reminder of God’s requirement for healing the land is II Chronicles 7:14 which says, “If my people who are called by my name ... Should humble themselves and pray ... And seek my face and turn from their wicked ways ... then I will hear from heaven and heal the land.”

A few problems here, though. Who are those people that the verse there is identifying; furthermore, is seeking God’s face just a matter of verbal utterances or communication?

This is not an effort to throw cold water on what may be a well-meaning endeavour to affect change, but since any petition to God must be directed through Jesus, a question we may want to ask is, “What was Jesus’ own attitude to worldly affairs? Didn’t He disappear from view when He had the premonition that people were trying to make Him an earthy king? And what of His words to Pilate in John 18:6 – “My kingdom is not of this world”?

Again, this is not a fatalistic view of life or of the future, but if a Christian is really convinced about the fulfilment of II Timothy 3-4, that things will increase from bad to worse, can we believe it, while at the same time believe our involvement in politics could reverse or nullify those prophecies?