Tue | Jul 2, 2024

Deputy mayor honoured on Heroes Day in Portmore

Published:Wednesday | October 18, 2023 | 12:09 AMRasbert Turner/Gleaner Writer
Deputy Mayor of Portmore Alric Campbell (right) receives his plaque from former Mayor Keith Hinds during Monday’s civic and awards ceremony in the municipality.
Deputy Mayor of Portmore Alric Campbell (right) receives his plaque from former Mayor Keith Hinds during Monday’s civic and awards ceremony in the municipality.

Twenty persons were awarded for their contributions to the development of Portmore in St Catherine as the municipality held its National Heroes Day Civic and Awards ceremony on Monday.

Among the awardees was Councillor Alric Campbell, of the Edgewater division, who was recognised for his long service in the political arena.

Campbell, who is the deputy mayor of Portmore, has been an elected councillor for the past 15 years.

During the function, held at the Portmore municipal office at Lot 1 Cookson Pen in Braeton Parkway, Campbell received his plaque from former Mayor Keith Hinds.

“It was a pleasure to hand over the award. He has been duly rewarded,” said Hinds.

Campbell said he felt a sense of accomplishment to have been recognised for service to those who elected him.


“I am very pleased to have been afforded the opportunity to serve the community for so long. I must acknowledge that it is a testament to my tenure, as politics is tough, so to have been recognised is greatly appreciated,” Campbell said.

He added that the occasion was all the more meaningful as he had served during Hinds’ tenure as well as that of Portmore’s first mayor, the late George Lee.

Campbell said that with the current Mayor Leon Thomas unavoidably absent, it was incumbent upon Hinds to hand him his plaque.

“I respect him (Hinds) as he responded at a moment’s notice,” Campbell said.

The deputy mayor was elected councillor on December 5, 2007, replacing Colin Fagan, who had ascended to become member of parliament for South East St Catherine.

Reflecting on his political journey, Campbell said his tenure has been one with many challenges.

He said that when he entered representational politics, he did not know it would be so rigorous, but he continues to roll with the political punches.

Other individuals honoured during the ceremony included individuals who have excelled in education, community development, religion and health.

Fitz Jackson, member of parliament for South St Catherine, read the opposition leader’s message,while Councillor Courtney Edwards, of the Independence City division, read the prime minister’s message.

The function was interspersed with the floral tributes to the national heroes.
