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Growth & Jobs | Don & K Variety Store A community staple in Strathbogie

Published:Tuesday | June 18, 2024 | 12:05 AM
Donovan and Keleta Grant (left) along with some of the staff at Don & K Variety Store.
Donovan and Keleta Grant (left) along with some of the staff at Don & K Variety Store.
Don & K Variety Store in Strathbogie, Westmoreland.
Don & K Variety Store in Strathbogie, Westmoreland.

TWENTY YEARS ago, Donovan Grant left his trade as a furniture maker to venture into retail business. This move laid the foundation for what would become the well-established Don & K Variety Store in Strathbogie, three kilometres from Savanna-la-Mar in Westmoreland.

In recounting the genesis of the business, Grant pointed out that his wife, Keleta, had stopped working as a cashier at a small supermarket and that her mother had a shop in the community that had been closed for some time. Seizing the opportunity to revitalise the business, he repaired and reopened the shop.

“I started simple with a few items. I started with a little grocery,” Grant pointed out. “I asked persons to tell me some of the things that are needed in the community that nobody sells, and they told me bicycle parts.”

Acting on the feedback of customers and fulfilling their needs proved to be beneficial. The suggestion prompted him to diversify his inventory, eventually adding bicycle parts, plumbing and electrical supplies, haberdashery, and hardware items.

Keleta, who also has been an integral part of the business since its inception, played a major role in its growth and success.

“I’m happy, I’m overwhelmed, I feel good,” she said, adding that the growth of the business was a result of hard work, dedication, and the courtesy extended to customers.

“You have to deal with customers on a friendly basis and one on one. You have to be genuine with people. I love people. Our business is a people business,” she declared.

Similarly, Donovan underscored the importance of providing superb customer service and understanding the needs of their customers.

“As long as you try to improve your customer service, not only talking nice to people, but meeting their needs, you will always have business and more customers. One of my principles that I share with my staff is any person who comes inside the business and leaves without buying anything is to engage them and ask them what we don’t have today.”

A people-person, Donovan, too, enjoys interacting with customers.

“I like talking with people and being nice to them, so I feel good doing this business,” he said.

Don & K Variety Store is a family-run enterprise in the truest sense as the Grants’ daughter, Rada-Kay, also works with them. At one point, the couple’s two other children were involved in the business until they migrated.

With a total staff complement of nine working on two shifts, the store operates Mondays to Saturdays from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The turning point for the business came in 2011 when Donovan’s nephew introduced him to JN Small Business Loans, now JN Bank Small Business Loans (JN Bank SBL). Donovan secured his first loan of $50,000, which enabled him to rent a building in the proximity of his grocery shop, which he used for selling bicycle parts. Over the years, he accessed many loans to maintain and expand his stock.

“As soon as I finished with one loan, I go and get the next one,” he said. “When you start a business, if you don’t have the goods, you can’t sell,” he reasoned.

Currently, Donovan is in the process of further expanding the business. He is building a foundation to accommodate a shipping container, which will provide additional storage space.

“My intent is to order more, to get things in bulk so I can compete in terms of pricing,” he explained.

Tameika Beckford, a resident of Hatfield, a neighbouring community, said that although there are other shops nearer to her home, she prefers to purchase her groceries at Don & K Variety Store.

“I rather go there because I get my money’s worth. From ever since I’ve been going to that shop, almost 20 years, they sell the things at a reasonable price so you can afford them. They sell quarter stick of butter and quarter pound of sugar,” she related, adding that, “they are really nice people. They know how to talk to customers.”

Beyond business, Don & K Variety Store is known for its philanthropic efforts. Each year, the Grants provide back-to-school items to children and care packages for the elderly, reflecting their belief in giving back to the community that supports them.

Jacqueline Jeffers, client relations manager, JN Bank SBL, disclosed that 35 per cent of JN Bank SBL clients operate in the distribution and retail sector like the Grants.

“Retail businesses are a common feature of many communities, providing essential goods and services. With access to small business loans, entrepreneurs are able to take their business to the next level. The success of these businesses often translates into increased customer support, further bolstering their success,” Jeffers explained.

“Also, as these businesses grow, they create employment opportunities for members of the community thus positively impacting the livelihoods of other families and the economic health of the community,” she said.