Sat | Sep 28, 2024

Why is there no representation for East Central St Andrew

Published:Monday | June 24, 2024 | 12:07 AM
Dr Peter Phillips
Dr Peter Phillips


I am writing to express my concern regarding the lack of parliamentary representation for East Central St Andrew. The constituency has been without a duly elected representative in Parliament for quite some time and has left our community feeling neglected and overlooked in crucial decision-making processes.

Since the resignation of Dr Peter Phillips, our constituency has been in a state of limbo, leaving us without a voice in the Houses of Parliament. This prolonged absence of representation is not only undemocratic, but also has left the constituency to descend into a cabal of the tribal few, which is detrimental to the well-being of our community.

It is understood that the former MP has handed the baton to Mr Dennis Gordon, but until an election is called and he is duly elected by the people, he or anyone else cannot sit in Parliament.

Our constituency faces numerous challenges that require immediate attention. We should not have to wait until the next general election before we can decide. From deteriorating infrastructure, poor public sanitation, unemployment, and inadequate community-level services, the issues plaguing the constituency are manifold. An urban constituency with some of the most vulnerable people in our society should not be left alone like this. Without a dedicated representative to champion our causes, we are left to fend for ourselves, with no clear avenue to address our concerns and push for necessary changes.

At this crucial time in our democracy, as we discuss changes to the Constitution, community consultation for the SPARK Programme announced by PM Holness, and the important motion raised by MP Lisa Hanna to expand the definition of rape to protect the most vulnerable among us, I am not sure who to express my concerns to and how these concerns will be represented in Parliament on my behalf as a citizen.

The delay in holding a by-election is a disservice to the democratic process and to the residents of our constituency. We have a right to be heard and to have our interests represented in Parliament. The lack of urgency in addressing this matter raises concerns about the commitment of the authorities. This grand display of complacency is to the detriment of all the residents in St Andrew East Central.

I urge the relevant authorities to speed up scheduling the by-election.