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Photo Flashback: Sir Florizel Glasspole installation as Governor-General

Published:Friday | July 12, 2024 | 6:26 AM
PRIME MINISTER Michael Manley as he spoke at the installation ceremony. Seated from left are Her Excellency the Most Honourable Mrs. Florizel Glasspole; His Excellency the Most Honourable Florizel Glasspole; Governor-General, Lady Duffus, Sir Herbert Duffus, former Acting Governor-General, Brigadier Dunstan Robinson, Chief of Staff of the Jamaica Defence Force; the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Jack Middleton; and Mrs. Manley.
SIR HERBERT DUFFUS, former Acting Governor-General, holds aloft the commission of office before handing it formally to the new of Governor-General, seated second from left.
PRIME MINISTER Michael Manley addressing the large gathering at the installation ceremony.
SIGNING OATH: His Excellency the Governor-General, the Most Hon. Florizel Glasspole, O.N., C.D., signing the oath of office. Sir Herbert Duffus (centre) Acting Governor-General, and the Prime Minister, Mr. Michael Manley, look on.

Sir Florizel Glasspole was inaugurated as Jamaica's third Governor-General in a solemn ceremony held on the lawns of King's House. Over 5,000 attendees, including dignitaries and citizens, witnessed the historic event.