Sun | Oct 20, 2024

Dwight Fletcher | Get ready for Jesus’ return

Published:Sunday | October 20, 2024 | 12:06 AM

THE BIBLE warns us to ensure that we are prepared for Christ’s return. The consequences of not being prepared are disastrous. Whether or not we believe the second of coming of Christ is near, God Himself told us that no one knows the date or hour, and the signs that He gave us are appearing increasingly around us. “Therefore be alert and of sober mind…” 1 Peter 4:7 (NIV). This really means to “prepare yourself mentally” – be clear minded. Pre-think some scenarios. For example, “what am I going to do when … or what’s the godly thing to do when…” Ask yourself what you need to do mentally to prepare yourself.

One of the ways we can prepare is to keep eternity on our minds. Be aware of the distractions that tend to come our way, and don’t allow ourselves to go down the usual rabbit trails. All that there is to life isn’t wrapped up in one moment. Take a longer view of things.

Jesus must be our centre. Therefore, we need to build our relationship with Him and live to please Him. Don’t hesitate or procrastinate in doing those things that God wants us to do. We need to cooperate with God so that He can shine His light through us, and help to live for Him. Start speaking to God more. When we have the right focus, our prayers become powerful. God longs to hear from some of us. Speak to Him and allow Him to speak into your life.

The Bible says we must also purpose to love others in preparation for the end of all things. “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling” 1 Peter 4:8-9 (NIV). As the end draws near and the world moves away from the love of God, we need to run towards it and determine to display it. This is the time when we need to show love to others. We can start with people we know, and then move to others. We are living in a time when people desperately need the love of God. Emotion follows motion.

We also need to develop a desire and a willingness to go beyond the call of duty and move away from selfishness to selflessness. “All the believers were together and had everything in common.” Acts 2:44 (NIV). Share whatever you have with others. The relationships we have with each other affect our relationship with God, and they are affected by our relationship with God.

It’s not easy to love. People have different personalities, desires, gifts, and understanding of motives. God, however, is looking for a certain type of community/church when He returns, and we need to push against the loveless norms of the world. Love makes us operate like family. Every family has challenges, but we work through them. The Bible tells us that “love covers a multitude of sins”. It means being quick to forgive and stating an offence rather than carrying it. It also means giving people the benefit of the doubt.

As we learn to love, it will lead us to offer hospitality to others. The survival of early Christianity frequently depended on the exercise of Christian hospitality, whether within particular congregations (willingness to use their homes as a house church), or their willingness to receive prophets and teachers into their churches. Being prepared for Jesus’ return will not happen accidentally; we must be deliberate. If we know something is inevitable, it’s wise to prepare for it.