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My 'Dream' Outlook - Julian Patrick - Manager, Sponsorships and Promotions, NCB

Published:Sunday | July 3, 2011 | 12:00 AM

Q What's your business style?

A Fortunately, the strength of the National Commercial Bank (NCB) brand makes my job easier. plus, I love what I do, so I approach my tasks with a combination of creativity, pragmatism and intensity as befits a high-performance organisation.

What was your first job?

An accounts payable officer at the then Telecommunications of Jamaica Limited (now LIME).

What is your favourite Smirnoff cocktail?

I enjoy a Guinness, but my favourite vodka mix is a Screw Driver.

What's your favourite getaway location?

My family is my world, so it's anywhere that involves spending time with my wife, Jeneve, and our three children.

Describe your office personality.

Relaxed focus.

Describe your after-work personality.

I love a good lyme, so after work I'm all about being casual and jovial.

Tell us one thing your colleagues wouldn't know about you.

I am deeply spiritual.

What's your must-have business accessory?

Definitely an appropriate timepiece! (My days are packed with meetings and activities, so timing is essential.)

What is the one thing you must do in the next five years.

See the Egyptian pyramids and the Alhambra Palace in Spain. T he latter once housed the Moorish kings.

What was your last piece of retail therapy?

A Bulgari Diagono timepiece.

Your brand + Dream =?

Small and medium enterprises growth, through efficiency, tailored financial solutions and ... 'building a better Jamaica'.