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Helping my child excel

Published:Saturday | September 10, 2011 | 12:00 AM

Dear Counsellor,

I would like some tips for students to excel in school.

- Maria

Dear Maria,

If your child is gifted in certain areas, then he will need guidance and mentoring. Most children need all the help that they can get. They need help with organising themselves at home and at school. He will need a special area in the house to do homework and study and read. He needs to have all the books and associated instruments. In this climate of competition for scarce resources, it is best to send him for extra lessons. He needs to concentrate, focus and pay attention in class and when he is doing homework. Reduce talking in class and hand in all assignments. General knowledge and specialised subjects should be read. Information is not wasted so general reading should be encouraged. Therefore, encourage him to read inspirational books, including the Bible. Let him practise writing essays or doing multiple-choice questions. Quiz him quite often on his schoolwork.

Let him study every day so that when examination comes around he will be ready. Lots of encouragement and lots of praises. Reward sweetens labour.

Depressing start to college

Dear Counsellor,

I am now at college and feeling mildly depressed. I miss my family and I am slowly getting used to these new people. Classes are hectic and I have to get used to the cooking and washing.

- Sharmaine

Dear Sharmaine,

Congratulations on moving on to tertiary education. Many people did not make it this far. It is natural to miss home and your usual routines. This is an adjustment period for you. Time is needed for you to get used to your new life. You will meet new people and have new experiences. You need to be aware of yourself, your goals and your values. Your values will be tested, but you have to stick to your principles so that at the end of your time you can say that it was good to have attended college.

Many people feel lost because of this new situation and have difficulty coping with college life. Colleges usually have a health centre with counselling services. If you are feeling very distressed, then go and see the counsellors. Most colleges have student-friendly facilities and do their best to accommodate the students.

Email questions and feedback for Dr Yvonnie Bailey-Davidson to or call 978-8602.