Sat | Sep 28, 2024

More effective policing needed

Published:Sunday | April 28, 2013 | 12:00 AM


I write after reading with joy that the security forces have, in their words, had a major victory in the fight against crime after seizing either a large quantity of drugs, guns or ammunition. My joy, however, is equal to my dismay since the police have again cited that no arrests were made.

Perhaps I have been watching too much Law and Order on TV, but my common sense tells me that if their investigations (or luck) lead them to a major (or minor) find of these illicit items, it would behove them to set up surveillance, or, even if it took two or three personnel one or two weeks, to waylay the 'owners' of the items and actually catch the culprits when they return for their 'belongings'.

THAT would be a more substantial, tangible and permanent victory vs just denting the criminals' operations. We all know that guns don't kill people - it's PEOPLE that kill people, so it's the PEOPLE behind the guns that we need off the streets - not just the guns (and drugs - which fund the guns).


Portmore, St Catherine