Mon | Sep 30, 2024

Let MPs live in own constituency

Published:Tuesday | April 30, 2013 | 12:00 AM


I'm sitting reading The Sunday Gleaner as I often do and I've just read Ronald Mason's article 'Broken window theory and crime' (April 28, 2013). A section of it is of particular interest to me. He mentions that perhaps our members of parliament ought to live among their constituents.

That one thing would solve many of our problems. Let those who put themselves up for representational politics be made to live in their constituencies. Only then will living conditions be better for said constituents.

I often advocate this in my discussions with friends, but I believe this is the first time I've ever seen it in print. Well said, Mr Mason! I fear, though, that we may never live to see this, as nobody who sits in Gordon House has the courage to make such a thing a legal requirement.