Wed | Jul 3, 2024

Zimbabwe extends presidential run-off

Published:Thursday | May 15, 2008 | 11:52 AM

The government in Zimbabwe has extended the deadline by which the presidential run-off vote must be held to July 31.

The main opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) said the decision was illegal and unfair.

Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai beat President Robert Mugabe in the first round on March 29, but not with enough votes to avoid a run-off.

The MDC had threatened to boycott the second round of voting after accusing Zanu-PF of trying to rig it.

However, over the weekend Mr. Tsvangirai said he would take part.

He has been in neighbouring countries since the first round because of alleged threats to his life.

The MDC said that Mr. Tsvangirai would return to address a rally in Bulawayo on Sunday.