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The power of words that inspire

Published:Thursday | January 22, 2015 | 3:53 PMCorine La Font

It's been a great journey so far and so much more to come. I am thankful for such great people supporting and encouraging me on my initiatives. One of them is Shauna Fung Yee. She's responsible for the title of this article for that's what she calls me, 'Ms Caribbean Oprah'.

Unlike others who may tend to laugh it off as a joke or disregard it, there is power in words, says Les Brown, and the words from Shauna's mouth made me more driven with my goals. It means I need to live up to that title come hell or tsunami! She sees it in me and the funny thing is, others see it, too! This is pre-destination. To be regarded at such high esteem with the likes of Oprah, only says I have lots to do! I have taken on the challenge with much determination, faith and belief and with Shauna as my publicist, it will happen!

I gather I have earned the title of Caribbean Oprah because I am a speaker, author, coach, publishing consultant, Gleaner columnist, online radio host and now the creator and producer of my very own magazine - LA FONT.

You may think that I love myself so much that I had to name the magazine after me and yes, I do love myself. More importantly, the name LA FONT carries with it history and significance in keeping with my purpose and passion - to be a source of hope, inspiration and motivation in the lives of others. To educate and empower others to believe in themselves; that they deserve more.

Many of you reading this article have been given names or been attached to a name based on what you do, your attitude, personality, determination, drive, passion and purpose. Some names, titles or aliases may not be in keeping with something positive or of high esteem to allow you to work towards. I say to you, don't take on a name that brings you down, works against what you believe in or do not stand for something with strength and positivity.

Remember words have power!


And the crazy thing is when others attach a negative name, title or alias to you, they feel that you MUST accept it and wear it like a cloak and to make it worse, wherever you go, in even inconvenient circumstances, the name follows you. No matter how you try to get rid of it, it haunts you for life. Remember when you were given names in your early days at school and you attend a reunion 10-15 years later, there would be some people who would call your name out in public? Gosh, it seems like after 10-15 years some people never grow up! Or take the case when you were a baby, when you couldn't even participate in the discussion, your parents and relatives took one look at you and gave you a 'home' name that has stayed with you for life or you may have been a chubby child growing into the teenage years and even though you lost the weight later in life, the name 'bigs' or 'fats' stays with you? I mean come on!

For some people their only entertainment is to pick on you rather than to lift you up. Have you ever considered that? Think about it and don't feel obligated to live up to the name, title or alias given to you especially if it is associated with something negative or has negative connotations.

As for me, I am quite ok with the name Caribbean Oprah. Who wouldn't be?

Now is your opportunity to check out the magazine and feel free to get your copy. It is in both print and digital versions. Once your purchase the print version, you get the digital for free. You can do so here:

Should you wish to be featured in the magazine please check out this link. There are some great bonuses when you get featured:

If you would like to discuss sponsorship or order bulk copies for your office, book store or just to share with friends and family, email me at and I will customise a package for you.

Remember 'Ms Caribbean Oprah' also has online chats to help you navigate your week and the challenges you may face when you are getting closer to your goals. It's every week on 'What's Up Wednesdays' and 'Epic Fridays'. Here's how you gain access to these FREE calls:

p Call in to the conference line - 1-712-432-3066 (US)

p Enter Access Code: 847223

p You can indicate your attendance via events on my Facebook page:

Hope to see you at the chats and I would love to hear your feedback on the magazine!

n Corine La Font is a speaker, author, coach and self -publishing consultant. She is also an award-winning publishing resource in the 2013 Small Business Book Awards. Get a copy of her book at, tune in to her radio programme at and check out her website at She can be reached at