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Education Ministry warns schools not to lock out students as punishment

Published:Thursday | May 21, 2015 | 12:00 AM

The Education Ministry has instructed school board chairmen, school principals and other administrators to stop locking out students as punishment for lateness or school uniform breaches.    

In a bulletin issued today, the Ministry said it has received a number of complaints from parents and other stakeholders.

"This practice deprives students of instructional time and increases the probability of abduction or digression that may result in harm or loss," said a spokesperson from the Education Ministry.   

The Ministry further said the practice places schools and the State in violation of a number of legislative frameworks, including the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (Articles 28 and 29) and the Child Care and Protection Act of Jamaica (Article 28).    

The Ministry says the contravention of these established pillars of child rights will result in appropriate action taken against administrators.