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Powell blasts 'circus' PLCA - Price says MBU boss 'power hungry'

Published:Monday | May 16, 2016 | 12:00 AMPaul Clarke


Orville Powell, the outspoken executive of Red Stripe Premier League champions Montego Bay United, continued his broadside on the operations of the Premier League Clubs Association (PLCA) and Professional Football Association of Jamaica, stating that before a compromise can be reached to end his club's ongoing protest, the organisations must first clean up their act.

However, the PLCA's general manager, Andrew Price, fired back at Powell, chastising the MBU president for being disingenuous and a divisive figure in local football.

Powell has been at odds with the PLCA for some time over the association's apparent lack of transparency. He has been a strident activist in trying to score a deal for change in how football is managed in Jamaica through the PLCA.

Powell cited several instances of what he sees as a conflict of interest, namely the role of Boys' Town FC club executive and head coach, Price, as general manager of the PLCA, telling The Gleaner that it would better serve the interest of local football to have certain roles undertaken by people with no direct club involvement.

"The PLCA, and to a lesser extent, the PFAJ, will not even begin to think of extending an olive branch to me. They are part and parcel of a corrupt system of football management in this country of which I remain very vocal," and I will certainly not capitulate to them either,"

According to Powell, Price should never have been given the PLCA job.

"The circus that is the PLCA will not be happy until I am silent on issues that have a direct bearing on its leadership. Others will remain silent because they are benefiting from such lax leadership and corrupt practices," Powell charged.




Meanwhile Pryce told The Gleaner that Powell's real interest lies in him wanting to lead the PLCA, after failed bids at ousting JFF President Captain Horace Burrell and later the debacle in losing to Gregory Daley in the leadership race for the reigns of the St James FA.

"Powell was defeated in his challenge to Gregory Daley as president of the St James FA. He failed miserably to get enough support to challenge Captain Horace Burrell for the JFF presidency and now he has squared off against the PLCA. It is clear he is power hungry," Pryce said.

"For him to say that the association is corrupt is nothing further from the truth. It is a very disingenuous statement made by him because he is aware that steps have been taken to make whatever we do transparent," countered Price.

The financial statements will be made public, Price said, as the PLCA is about to release its financial statements that will show its accounts are in good order. He said nothing is done in secret and that the PLCA has nothing to hide.

"It baffles me really as I try understanding Powell's so-called concerns in relation to the operations of the PLCA," he said. "Here is a fact that we have moved too far in football, where clubs used to get $200,000 per season and are receiving now some $500,000 per month."

Price reasoned that instead of standing on the sidelines and crying about his perceptions, Powell should do as all the other directors of the PLCA have done which is to sit at the table and discuss the issues.