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Addis Pablo featured in Supreme ad

Published:Wednesday | November 7, 2018 | 12:00 AMSade Gardner/Gleaner Writer
Addis Pablo

Melodica player and composer Addis Pablo is bridging the gap between music and fashion in his recent cameo performance in a Supreme ad. The American clothing enterprise has partnered with Hohner - a German company that creates musical instruments - to create their very own melodica and is using Pablo in promoting it.

The ad premiered online last week.

"I knew they had an interest in having someone promote the melodica, so this basically happened through a mutual acquaintance," Addis Pablo told The Gleaner.

He is the son of late musician Horace 'Augustus Pablo' Swaby, who popularised the melodica in the '70s. Even though his father died at the turn of the new millennium, Pablo said there is still a demand for the music.




"Supreme clothing is a huge clothing brand, and I'm sure they didn't choose to use the melodica for no reason," he said. "My dad made it a very recognisable instrument, and there is a huge market for this music in Europe, Asia, and ... in the States. People of all ages, young and old, love it and follow this music," he added.

Addis Pablo, born Addis Swaby, released his debut album In His Father's House in 2014 and has worked with producers such as Rory Stone Love and artistes like Prince Allah, Chezidek and Spliffy Dan. His latest project, Majestic Melodies, is a seven-track EP released in September under the family's Rockers International Label.

"This project is different from any I've ever done as it is mainly my original production," he explained. "I've collaborated with other producers and artistes in the past, but this has allowed me to choose the artistes I have always wanted to work with, some of whom have also worked with my father."

The EP includes the lead single From Morning, featuring Shanique Myrie. Pablo cites Can't Forget as a special song as he said, "It's a single about my dad, so that one is very dear to me." The song is a collaboration with Tesfar and Mr Williamz.

The Jamaican musician is currently in the United States promoting the EP and plans to continue the promotion when he returns home later this month.