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Treat Jamaica’s national symbols with respect: MoBay mayor

Published:Monday | July 18, 2022 | 12:05 AMChristopher Thomas/Gleaner Writer
Mayor of Montego Bay Leeroy Williams.
Mayor of Montego Bay Leeroy Williams.


With Jamaica’s 60th Independence day less than a month away, Montego Bay Mayor Leeroy Williams is reminding Jamaicans to treat the country’s national symbols with greater respect.

Williams cited the misuse of Jamaica’s flag and lack of attentiveness during the playing of the national anthem as examples of countrywide disrespect which must be corrected. He was speaking at the start of last Thursday’s monthly meeting of the St James Municipal Corporation [StJMC].

“For too long, we have seen Jamaicans pay little or no regard for the national symbols and emblems. How often have you attended a function with the national anthem being played or sung, and there are some persons who continue about their business, showing absolutely no respect? Also, we should not have the Jamaican flag draped over a car seat or being used as a headtie,” Williams said.

“In this the diamond jubilee year, the time has come for us all to stop and take a long, hard look at how we treat our emblems and symbols. Once we as a people make a concerted effort to correct these things, without a doubt we can become the diamond of the Caribbean,” he added.

In May, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Marsha Henry Martin, had warned that failure to abide by state protocols regarding the national symbols amounts to disrespect for Jamaica’s pride and for the institution of government.

According to the National Library of Jamaica, the Jamaican flag is to be regarded as a sacred emblem of the nation, and thus should never be allowed to touch the ground or floor. Neither is to be used for purely decorative purposes on anything that is for temporary use and likely to be discarded, except on state occasions.


Concerning the national anthem, protocol dictates that all persons should stand at attention during the playing of the anthem, while persons in uniform should salute. The singing of the anthem should also form part of the ceremony of raising and lowering the national flag at the beginning and end of term in schools and at Independence celebrations.

Williams also called for people to show greater respect for the nation’s leaders, and to uphold the ethics of Jamaica’s forefathers.

“The issue of showing respect to our leaders is another matter which must be addressed head-on. For too long, we continue to show an unacceptable level of disrespect to our nation’s leaders. Leadership is not about titles or profiling; it is about showing the way and leading by example,” said Williams.

“I believe that at 60, Jamaica and Jamaicans sit on the cusp of greatness. Seemingly small things such as values, ethics and positive attitude are important, and are among the greatest intangibles that we can use to make our country great.”

Jamaica’s diamond jubilee celebration will be held under the theme ‘Reigniting a Nation for Greatness’.

The StJMC will begin its series of Emancipation and Independence celebrations on July 31 with a church service at the Burchell Baptist Church in Montego Bay, followed later the same day by an Emancipation vigil, to be held in Sam Sharpe Square.

On Independence Day, August 6, the StJMC and the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission will hold the Spirit of Independence Jamaica 60 Awards Civic Ceremony at Sam Sharpe Square, where 12 residents and/or institutions based in St James will be recognised for their outstanding contributions in various sectors. On the following day, August 7, an Independence Grand Gala will be hosted at the Harmony Beach Park in the western city.