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Central Kingston MP laments crime plague

Donovan Williams says ZOSO effective in bringing calm to Parade Gardens

Published:Thursday | October 13, 2022 | 12:06 AMJudana Murphy/Gleaner Writer
Aerial view of the Parade Gardens, Tel Aviv and the Southside communities in the constituency of Central Kingston
Aerial view of the Parade Gardens, Tel Aviv and the Southside communities in the constituency of Central Kingston
An aerial view of the Parade Gardens, Tel Aviv and Southside communities in the constituency of Central Kingston.
An aerial view of the Parade Gardens, Tel Aviv and Southside communities in the constituency of Central Kingston.

MEMBER OF Parliament Donovan Williams says crime and violence continues to “plague” his Kingston Central constituency.

The first-term MP said Rose Gardens, more popularly known as Spoilers, remains an area of major concern.

“We have had several shootings in that area and we are asking that priority attention be given to that area and if possible, the extension of the ZOSO there. It’s a relatively small area but it would appear that there is a bitter gang feud in the space and unless the security forces take full control of it, it will continue unabated,” he lamented during his presentation to the State of the Constituency Debate in the House of Representatives on Tuesday.

Williams reasoned that the law-abiding citizens of Rose Gardens need to be able to live in peace and are looking to their political representatives and the police to help them restore order to their space.

He explained that to a great extent, the introduction of a zone of special operation (ZOSO) in Parade Gardens has put a lid on the crime rate and while there have been occasional flare-ups, there has been no shooting or murder since the ZOSO was implemented in January.

“We look forward to the build phase. My understanding is that the social intervention committee will be meeting shortly,” he said.

The build phase of ZOSOs are aimed at reversing social and cultural factors that give rise to crime and violence.

Williams said Allman Town has been relatively quiet as it relates to murders and shootings, but he revealed that a car-stealing ring is operating in the community.

“I am asking the police to look into that matter and break up that ring. We have not been spared sporadic flare-ups on the eastern side of the constituency but I must say that the eastern Kingston Police Division has been proactive in keeping the violence from raising its ugly head again,” the MP said.

Residents of Campbell Town in central Kingston, who for years showered and washed their clothes at a standpipe on the sidewalk, have been relieved of those inhumane conditions.

The MP said it was an “eyesore” that troubled him in the early days of his political campaign and he had promised residents that he would remedy the “untenable situation”.

With the assistance of the Tourism Development Product Company, the Kingston and St Andrew Municipal Corporation and the Constituency Development Fund (CDF), a modern bathroom and laundry facility was constructed.

In his presentation to Parliament, Williams said the zinc fences were also removed from the community.

That effort was supported by the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation and an official handover ceremony will be held later this month.