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NASA is searching the skies for signs of alien civilisations

Published:Thursday | September 7, 2023 | 9:08 AMBANG Bizarre

Dr Michelle Thalller, a scientist at the US space agency, explained that conferences have been held regarding the possibility of the James Webb telescope finding evidence of extraterrestrial life on another planet.

Speaking at Artechouse's Beyond the Light exhibit, Dr Thaller said: "There are extra scientists that are searching the sky for signs of alien civilisations.

"We've had conferences about what happens if the James Webb Telescope observes an atmosphere of a planet around another star, and we see things that don't look natural."

The James Webb Telescope is on a journey into deep space and is sending images back to Earth on a daily basis and Dr Thaller hopes it will soon find another planet.

She said: "The Webb Telescope has the ability to actually detect chemicals, gases that are in planets around other stars.

"We've done this already with Webb, but all the planets have been very different from Earth.

"I'm hoping this year, maybe, that we find one that's very similar to Earth."


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