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Flow’s Girls in ICT Day Conference and Expo empowers young leaders

Published:Thursday | May 23, 2024 | 12:09 AM
 Ayanna Samuels (left) joins 14-year-old UTECH student Jada Wright (centre) in exploring the offerings of Virtual Reality Jamaica at the Flow Girls in ICT Day Expo and Conference.
Ayanna Samuels (left) joins 14-year-old UTECH student Jada Wright (centre) in exploring the offerings of Virtual Reality Jamaica at the Flow Girls in ICT Day Expo and Conference.
Ayanna Samuels (left) joins the winning team of Flow’s Girls in ICT Day Coding Challenge, ST. Andrew High School for Girls along with Deleen Powell, business communication manager (sixth left) and event volunteers.
Ayanna Samuels (left) joins the winning team of Flow’s Girls in ICT Day Coding Challenge, ST. Andrew High School for Girls along with Deleen Powell, business communication manager (sixth left) and event volunteers.

Renowned aerospace engineer, Ayanna Samuels, took centre stage at Flow’s Girls in ICT Day Expo and Conference, captivating the audience with her dynamic message of ambition, resilience, and self-belief. The event, held at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston, attracted hundreds of high school girls from across Jamaica, both in-person and via Flow’s online platform.

Samuels, drawing from her own remarkable journey, shared insights on the power of setting audacious goals and pursuing them with unwavering determination. From her childhood dream of becoming an astronaut to her academic achievements at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Samuels underscored the importance of dreaming big and charting one’s path with purpose.

“Chase dreams that seem completely uncomfortable,” Samuels advised, encouraging girls to embrace challenges and push beyond their comfort zones. “At the beginning of your dream, you do not know how you’re going to get there. If it’s not gaudy enough, it’s not much of a dream.”

Samuels’ academic achievements include completing a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering with Information Technology and two Master’s degrees in Technology Policy and Aerospace Engineering, respectively, from MIT. She is currently completing her doctorate in Oslo, Norway.

Addressing the pressing issue of gender disparity in leadership and remuneration, Samuels issued a rallying cry for girls to defy societal norms and embrace opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, STEM, particularly in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). “There isn’t a field that ICT has not and will not enhance,” she emphasised.

Against the backdrop of a world reshaped by the COVID-19 pandemic, where technology has become more integral than ever, Samuels highlighted the critical role of ICT skills in driving innovation and progress. “ICT is a necessary skill,” she outlined, highlighting its significance in enabling remote learning, remote work, and online business.

The event took an interactive turn as students engaged Samuels with probing questions, ranging from maintaining motivation in the face of adversity to navigating peer pressure. “Always know your ‘why,’” Samuels affirmed. “If you know your ‘why,’ you can accomplish your goals, and exceed even your own expectations.”

As the session concluded, Samuels left attendees with a powerful message: know your worth, stand firm in your values, and never lose sight of your “why.”

Her impassioned call to action reverberated long after the event, inspiring young women to embrace their potential as future leaders and change-makers in the ICT landscape.

Flow’s Girls in ICT Day Expo and Conference was held on Thursday, April 25, under the theme ‘Inspire Leadership’.