Fri | Sep 20, 2024

St Bess children to meet incarcerated fathers today

Published:Friday | June 14, 2024 | 12:07 AMAdrian Frater/Gleaner Writer


In a spirit of compassion as Father’s Day approaches, some children in St Elizabeth who have never met their incarcerated dads will be given the opportunity to do so this morning.

The initiative is being spearheaded by Superintendent Coleridge Minto, the police commander for the parish, who explained that some of the children were born after their fathers were taken into custody and they have never crossed paths.

With Father’s Day being celebrated on Sunday, he decided to have these children meet their fathers in a controlled setting.

Minto said he floated the idea with the Police High Command; a few entities aligned to the justice system, including the Victim Services Division; and some community organisations. Much to his delight, he got their full support.

“Everybody loves the idea and readily supported and endorsed it. I was particularly pleased that I was able to get the support of the commissioner of police (Dr Kevin Blake),” said Minto, who is now looking forward to a smooth execution of the project.

According to Minto, when the idea was broached with the girlfriends/spouses of the incarnated fathers, they were overjoyed and readily guaranteed their support.

“One of the girlfriends, whose child is now approaching three years old and has never met her father, who has been in jail before her birth, was overjoyed at the news,” said Minto. “This is something none of them expected could have happened.”

In a bid to present the fathers in the most favourable light, Minto said they would not be handcuffed during the interaction with their children. They will, however, have foot restraints, which will be hidden by their pants.

“These fathers will get a chance to touch their children, talk to them, and sit down and have a meal with them,” said Minto. “Like the mothers and the children, the incarcerated fathers are anxiously looking forward to meeting their children and getting to know them.”

The St Elizabeth Chamber of Commerce (StECC), which has been a willing partner to the police on several projects over the years, endorsed the initiative and also lauded Minto for conceptualising an initiative they see as critical in family bonding.

“Any event that creates the scope for interaction between fathers and their children must be encouraged, and that is why I am 100 per cent in support of this project,” said attorney-at-law Christopher Brown, who serves on the StECC and endorsed the initiative on their behalf.