Sun | Sep 29, 2024

Bilingual proficiency is a boon

Published:Saturday | June 22, 2024 | 12:06 AM


At the recent International Conference for Green Sustainable Technology and Management, hosted by INTI International University in Malaysia, I was struck by a profound realisation: the seamless bilingualism exhibited by participants from across the globe, particularly from Asia.

Despite the lack of translators at the conference, communication flowed effortlessly. English was not the first language for many of the attendees, but their ability to switch between languages with ease was not only impressive but also highlighted the cognitive and social benefits of bilingualism. This enabled them to engage in complex discussions, present sophisticated research, and network effectively with peers from different linguistic backgrounds.

Research has shown that bilingual individuals possess enhanced cognitive abilities, such as improved memory, problem-solving skills, and creativity. These cognitive benefits are not just limited to linguistic tasks but extend to various domains of life, including professional environments. In today’s globalised world, the ability to communicate in multiple languages is a significant asset, facilitating better understanding and collaboration among diverse teams.

Many renowned individuals have leveraged their bilingual skills to achieve remarkable success. Shakira, the Colombian singer and songwriter, speaks multiple languages. Her linguistic abilities have allowed her to connect with a global audience, transcending cultural and linguistic barriers.

Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, was fluent in English, French and several African languages. This was instrumental in his diplomatic career, enabling him to mediate conflicts and foster international cooperation effectively.

Despite advancements in translation technology and artificial intelligence, the nuanced understanding and personal connection that human bilingualism offers remain irreplaceable. Technology can assist in breaking down language barriers, but it cannot replicate the cultural empathy and interpersonal rapport that come with knowing another language.

In professional settings, bilingualism enhances cross-cultural communication, leading to more inclusive and effective teamwork. Companies that embrace linguistic diversity often see better problem-solving and innovation, as employees bring varied perspectives and ideas to the table.

Considering these benefits, it is crucial to encourage bilingual education and create environments that nurture linguistic skills. Educational institutions and workplaces should promote language learning and provide resources for employees to develop their bilingual abilities. This investment in human capital will yield significant returns in terms of cognitive development, cultural competence, and professional success.

Embracing and promoting bilingualism will not only enhance personal and professional growth but also foster a more inclusive and collaborative global community.