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Can I still be healed? – Part 2

Published:Sunday | June 30, 2024 | 12:06 AM

Rev Gabriel Agbo

HOW LONG have you been in this condition? Tell me. The sick man near the Pool of Bethesda spent 38 years in his own condition and had enough reasons not to expect healing, and they were all facts. He was very ill and could not get up. He could not help himself and had nobody to help him. And worst, he was also in the midst of other helpless and hopeless individuals – the sick, the blind, the paralysed, the lame, etc. Group, congregation of invalids! A family of desperate, terminally sick people and their depressed and exhausted relations – most waiting to die.

Just imagine what that kind of gathering would look like – the groaning, the sighing, the cries, the prayers, the hopeless looks, the wounds, the bandages, the stench, the anxieties and the struggles to rush into the water first for the healing.


The angel of the LORD only visited once in a while, and only the first sick that had people to help them into the pool would receive healing. And, after that, the long wait continued until the angel visited again. Because of these facts and the long years in this condition, the man had totally lost hope of ever getting well again. Have you lost hope? He was virtually waiting to die. And he promptly presented these facts to Jesus. But, what happened? Jesus ignored them and healed him! Yes, the medical facts of your condition are there – the proof, the tests, the opinions of the experts. Yes, they are incontrovertible. But the Master is bypassing, overruling them today!

God overrules facts and conditions. He overrules worst situations and best opinions. And that is why He is Sovereign. Now listen to Him today, “I am God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for me to do?” No! He is the creator of the heavens and earth. He is the maker and controller of life and death. Nobody, nothing dies or lives without his knowledge and approval. We are told that not even a bird out of the billions can drop from the skies without His knowledge. He is the beginning and the end. He is the maker of all the things you see and all those that you cannot see.

Everything, every power, every condition, every situation, every spirit and flesh bows to Him. He is the Almighty, the Alpha and the Omega – nothing exits or happened without Him. He is the great healer and with Him nothing is impossible. He is the great physician. Even the best of the doctors always agree that they treat but it is only God that heals.

So, why do you still think that nothing can be done about your condition? Why do you think you will not be healed now as you read this message? Tell me. The same Jesus that healed the 38-year-old sickness will meet you today!


Even if your condition is worse than that man’s, it cannot match with the case of Lazarus that had already been buried for four days and was expected to have started decaying. After death, sometimes miracles can still happen. But, once somebody is buried, then, it is finished. But Jesus defied this natural and eternal order by calling up Lazarus from the grave!

As you read this, every power of grave around you will be broken in the mighty name of Jesus! I like the encounter Lazarus’ sister Martha and Jesus had at his graveside. Listen, “Roll the stone aside,’ Jesus told them. But Martha, the dead man’s sister, said, ‘Lord, by now the smell will be terrible because he has been dead for four days.’ Jesus responded, ‘Didn’t I tell you that you will see God’s glory if you believe?” John 11.39.

Is your situation already buried and smelling? Roll away that unbelieving stone and receive your miracle today. Every stone holding back your healing and miracle must be rolled away today, in the name of Jesus! He made the man, the grave, the life and death, the stones, so He can afford to manipulate and manoeuver them at will.

God does not care how long, how smelly, how stinking or how impossible your situation looks. The most important thing now is that He wants to make you a testimony so that his name will be glorified. In fact, the messier the condition, the more glorious the testimony will become. He has waited till now so that your story and testimony will be complete to His glory. Your story is becoming your testimony!


He was there when Lazarus took ill. He tarried when they were expecting Him to come and see him. But he only appeared after the man has been buried and already stinking. Why? He wanted the world to see another dimension of His power and sovereignty. They had seen Him raise the dead before but not calling the decaying dead from the grave.

I know what is going on your mind now. I am feeling it. You are asking why God allowed you to get into that condition in the first place. Why did He allow you to stay so long and wasted all those resources and efforts? Why did He allow all that humiliation and pain? Why did He allow your enemies to mock you for this long? Why did He allow this to happen upon all the good things you have been doing for Him and for humanity? Yes, they are legitimate questions. But He says that it is for the glory of God to manifest. He is making you a global testimony.

The ending of your situation will make the world to see and know the power of God. Your testimony will shake the church and the world. Lazarus was Jesus’ friend and the family loved the LORD so much, yet He allowed that condition to get to that hopeless, irreversible point.

I am sure that your condition is ending with a testimony today. Nations will hear your story. What He did then, He is also doing now. Just get up now and roll away that stone. Believe this message. Receive your healing and miracle, in the mighty name of Jesus!

Rev Gabriel Agbo an author. Email: