Mon | Sep 16, 2024

ROJ commits nearly $14m to Beryl relief efforts

Published:Monday | August 5, 2024 | 12:09 AM
Restaurants of Jamaica Marketing Manager Andrei Roper (right) and Project Coordinator for the All4JA Foundation Novia Wilson express their enthusiasm for the successful collaboration, which aims to provide renewed hope to those affected.
Restaurants of Jamaica Marketing Manager Andrei Roper (right) and Project Coordinator for the All4JA Foundation Novia Wilson express their enthusiasm for the successful collaboration, which aims to provide renewed hope to those affected.

In the wake of the devastating impact of Hurricane Beryl on July 3, Restaurants of Jamaica Limited (ROJ) has shown its commitment to helping many of those affected to rebound and rebuild, by pledging approximately $14 million to support the ongoing relief efforts.

Through partnership with organisations, such as the South West Development Fund, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, the All4Ja Foundation and Food for the Poor Jamaica, this contribution brings hope and much-needed assistance to communities still on the road to recovery.

With empathy for the plight of the residents affected by the hurricane, ROJ has donated $2 million to support relief initiatives in south-east Clarendon being led by the ALL4JA Foundation, a non-profit organisation focused on youth and community development. This contribution aims to assist families and individuals striving to rebuild their lives amidst the devastation.

Recognising the effects on the agricultural sector, ROJ has also donated $2 million towards the efforts of the South West Development Fund, led by Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining Floyd Green, who is also the member of parliament for South West St Elizabeth to support the restoration of the vital agricultural resources, which are the backbone of these communities.

In a heartfelt effort to restore normalcy, ROJ is also extending its support to critical institutions within the storm-ravaged areas. Donations amounting to $5.8 million are being made to Mayfield Primary and All-Age School, Top Hill Primary School, Bull Savanna Primary School, and Manning’s Boys Home. These institutions, in dire need of repairs, will receive the assistance necessary to rebuild roofs, kitchens, and other vital facilities, ensuring they can continue to serve their communities effectively.

Committed to its own ROJ family, the company has also prioritised the well-being of its valued team and has established a dedicated fund to provide relief and support to more than 70 staff members impacted by Hurricane Beryl in the amount of a further $3 million.

Moreover, ROJ has donated an additional $1 million to Food for the Poor Jamaica, an organisation that has been unwavering in its support for the affected residents to sustain their continuous relief operations, providing essential aid and comfort to those in need.

“Our hearts go out to everyone who was affected by the hurricane, and we hope our donations and support efforts will be a significant step towards rebuilding St Elizabeth, Clarendon and other impacted parishes,” said ROJ Marketing Manager Andrei Roper.

“At ROJ, we are devoted to helping our fellow Jamaicans rebound, and rebuild their lives after the devastation caused by Hurricane Beryl. In times of need, we understand the power of unity and the importance of coming together,” Roper added.