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Advocate claims patients fired for doing chemo

Survivor calls for better cancer patient support amid job insecurity and medication, equipment gaps

Published:Friday | August 30, 2024 | 12:12 AMJanet Silvera/Senior Gleaner Writer
Nurse Llauna Humphries addressing guests at the Kiwanis Club of Providence Montego Bay’s Breast Cancer Run launch on Thirsday. The run is being staged on Sunday, October 27, in Montego Bay, St James.
Nurse Llauna Humphries addressing guests at the Kiwanis Club of Providence Montego Bay’s Breast Cancer Run launch on Thirsday. The run is being staged on Sunday, October 27, in Montego Bay, St James.


In a world where the fight against cancer deserves steadfast support, many patients are, instead, grappling with a different struggle: the battle to maintain their jobs while undergoing life-saving treatment.

Cancer survivor and advocate Nurse Llauna Humphries shared the additional hurdles being faced by patients battling the dreaded disease in Jamaica during the launch of the Kiwanis Club of Providence Montego Bay’s Breast Cancer Run on Thursday.

Humphries, who leads an advocacy group in the Second City, described the harsh realities confronting cancer patients such as struggling with job insecurity, facing medication shortages, and lacking access to crucial diagnostic tools.

She said that for many cancer patients, the physical toll of chemotherapy is only half of the struggle.

“Imagine battling a life-threatening illness only to lose your livelihood because you’re too weak to go to work,” she said. “I know of people who were fired from their jobs after missing just two days of work due to the gruelling effects of chemotherapy.”

She argued that the stories told by the many people she deals with regularly were not unique.

“What it highlights is a systemic issue where employers, often lacking empathy and understanding, dismiss employees undergoing cancer treatment, leaving them financially vulnerable at a time when they need support the most,” she said.


Her comments come at a time when the experience points to a larger issue of inadequate legal protections for cancer patients in the workplace.

Despite the existence of labour laws meant to shield employees from discrimination, enforcement can sometimes be lax, and many cancer patients find themselves without recourse when they are unfairly terminated.

“The psychological impact of this job insecurity can be devastating, adding stress to an already overwhelming situation,” Humphries noted.

Having survived cervical and breast cancer herself, the nurse also spoke of the struggle to access medication. According to her, cancer patients are grappling with a dire shortage of chemotherapy drugs.

“The anxiety of going to the pharmacy only to be told that the medication they desperately need is not available. Sometimes, the chemo medication isn’t available for weeks. It’s terrifying because you know every delay could mean the cancer is spreading,” she explained.

Compounding the issue of medication shortages is the absence of proper diagnostic equipment. According to Humphries, there are times when vital machines are out of service for months in the public -health sector, delaying diagnoses, and, consequently, the start of treatment.

“People from all over the island call us because their local hospitals don’t have the equipment to diagnose their cancer. It’s heartbreaking,” she said.


Her account brings to light the critical need for investment in healthcare infrastructure, particularly in regions where resources are already stretched thin.

The physical and logistical challenges of battling cancer are compounded by the emotional toll of feeling isolated and abandoned, and Humphries pointed fingers at the families who are guilty of discarding their loved ones.

“There is a loneliness that comes with the disease, especially when family members and friends, unable to cope with the diagnosis, distance themselves. I’ve seen it too many times – husbands who don’t want to know, siblings who stop visiting. It’s like the disease doesn’t just attack your body. It destroys your support system, too,” she shared.

This sense of abandonment, she noted, extends to interactions with some medical professionals as well. She spoke of how even doctors sometimes seemed indifferent, overwhelmed by the sheer number of patients and the lack of resources.

Despite the overwhelming challenges, Humphries says she is determined to raise awareness about the plight of cancer patients. She emphasises the importance of education – not just for patients, but for the wider society.

“It’s not just about treatment. It’s about understanding what we go through and providing the support we need,” she said.