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Xodus sold out and ready

Published:Thursday | March 23, 2017 | 12:00 AMSherita Grizzle
Kamal Bankay, director of Xodus Carnival, is excited about what the different brands have to offer.
From left: Scott Dunn and Ramone Robinson are Campari ready for the road.
JWN's Jared Samuel (left), Hennessey brand manager, Marketing Manager Pietro Gramegna (second left), and Sasha Warner-Campbell, Campari brand manager, share a toast with Scott Dunn, managing director, Dream Entertainment.

Xodus Carnival is a new kid on the block for the 2017 Carnival season and they are pulling out all the stops to ensure they make their mark when all four bands take the road in April.

Although new to the mas scene, the Xodus team is no stranger to planning and executing huge entertainment events. They are the powerhouse behind one of the region's most anticipated events of the summer calendar, Dream Weekend. Having worked with Smirnoff and then Appleton as their spirit partners for Dream Weekend, the team understands how well liquor and entertainment events mix. With the latter in mind, Xodus has announced their partnership with Campari as they look to take over the streets in a few weeks.


Ambitious quest


The announcement was made at an intimate gathering at the Jamaica Pegasus hotel on Wednesday night. Kamal Bankay, director of Xodus Carnival in his address to the small crowd described the partnership as one that will bring prosperity to Xodus' quest to establish themselves as a forced to be reckoned with in Carnival. "Tonight is all about harmony, partnership and prosperity. Xodus is the number one Carnival upstart and I can tell you that we are here to make our mark on the entertainment calendar," he said before handing over to Scott Dunn, Xodus' managing director who continued to boast about the team's union with Campari.

We've had a lot of partners on board before, but tonight is about announcing a new partner, and it's a partner that fits into that stylishness of Xodus," he said. "The most stylish brand from Carnival in Jamaica with the most stylish brand in liquor, Campari. It's a taste of things to come."

Pietro Gramegna, marketing manager, J Wray and Nephew Ltd, in his address announced that this will be the first time that Campari will be involved in Carnival and expressed excitement at the opportunity to partner with Xodus. "As Scott said we are a stylish brand and we decided to partner with a stylish carnival, in Xodus," he said. "We have one month to go before Carnival and we have some surprises to disclose.

"We are looking for a great vibe and we are very proud to be a part of Carnival in Jamaica."

The Xodus team also announced that all their costumes have been sold out and encouraged those revellers who still want to be a part of their band to purchase the Campari inspired Xodus T-shirts.The T-shirts, they say ,are a signature collectible that was specially designed for Carnival 2017 and will attract a cost of US $290.