Mon | Jun 3, 2024

Minard Livestock and Beef Show is back

Published:Friday | October 21, 2022 | 12:07 AMChristopher Serju/Senior Gleaner Writer
Students participate in a goat scramble at the Minard Livestock Show and Beef Festival in Brown’s Town, St Ann, in 2018.
Students participate in a goat scramble at the Minard Livestock Show and Beef Festival in Brown’s Town, St Ann, in 2018.
Eleven-year-old Sonilia McLean holds the goat she caught as a prize at Minard Livestock Show and Beef Festival in 2019.
Eleven-year-old Sonilia McLean holds the goat she caught as a prize at Minard Livestock Show and Beef Festival in 2019.

The annual Minard Livestock Show and Beef Festival returns to Minard Estate in Browns Town, St Ann, on Thursday, November 10, under the theme ‘Smart Livestock Production: Safer, Cleaner, Better’.

The show was last held in 2019, after which it was derailed by COVID-19 protocols on public gatherings.

“Everyone – sponsors and participants – are eagerly anticipating this year’s show,” Edwin Gayle, chairman of the planning committee, told The Gleaner.

The annual event has been a major showcase for beef and dairy cattle with all the cattle breed societies, as well as government farms, to parade their best animals. Scores of students usually turn out for the event, which is well supported by schools across the island through their 4-H clubs. The calf scramble is particularly popular, as students try to lasso the young animals which they can claim on behalf of their schools.

A goat scramble was introduced at the last hosting for the younger students, and this year there will be a girls-only category, alongside the usual co-ed version. Gayle explained that this is because the girls are usually outmuscled and manoeuvred by the boys.

“This year we are planning to scramble 20 goats, and six of them will be in the ring with 15 girls alone; and then for the other 14 goats, boys and girls will compete.”

The usual judging and livestock display of sheep, goats and cattle will also provide a platform for livestock farmers to promote the sale of their animals in a competitive bidding setting, and the stage is set for an excellent turnout of animals, according to Gayle.

“The response has been great, and the students are anxious to come out. When we touched base with the people to see how it was going, everybody is excited and the support is good. Nutramix is back as title sponsor and the ministry (agriculture) is on board in a big way. Minister Charles Jr has already confirmed his attendance and will deliver the keynote address,” Gayle disclosed. He recalled that more than 7,000 students attended the last show.

The gates will be open at 8 a.m. and the admission for students is $300, while adults will pay $600.

The show is being hosted by the Jamaica Cattle Breeders Society in association with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Nutramix and the Jamaica 4-H Clubs. Associate sponsors are Noranda Bauxite, HEART NSTA Trust, Ministry of Education and Youth, Power 106 FM and the Jamaica Observer.