Sat | Jun 1, 2024

More should be done to ensure pedestrian safety

Published:Monday | March 25, 2024 | 12:06 AM


I am writing to express my concern regarding pedestrian safety, particularly the scant regard for traffic rules at stop lights by drivers. As someone who frequently walks, I have observed numerous instances where drivers fail to adhere to traffic signals, putting pedestrians at risk.

Too often, I have witnessed drivers blatantly disregard red lights, proceed through intersections without yielding to pedestrians, or engage in reckless behaviour such as speeding up to beat a changing signal. Such actions not only violate traffic laws, but also put the safety of others sharing the road at risk.

Stop lights serve as critical points of control at intersections, regulating the flow of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. However, the failure of drivers to obey these signals poses a significant threat to the well-being of pedestrians.

Pedestrian safety is a collective responsibility that requires cooperation from all road users, including vehicle drivers and pedestrians. Drivers must understand the importance of obeying traffic signals and yielding to pedestrians at crosswalks. By adhering to these rules, we can create a safer environment for everyone in our country.

We need to take more action to address this issue and implement measures to improve pedestrian safety. This may include increased enforcement of traffic laws, public awareness campaigns, and infrastructure improvements such as enhanced crosswalk markings.

Further, the implementation of traffic-slowing measures such as speed bumps, raised crosswalks, and traffic islands can help to create a safer and more pedestrian-friendly environment.

Together, we can work towards creating roads where pedestrians feel safe and secure.