Sat | Jun 1, 2024

Reclaim the beauty of Mandeville’s streets

Published:Thursday | March 28, 2024 | 12:08 AM


There is a proverb that goes “cleanliness is next to godliness”. If this statement were to be taken literally, the streets of Mandeville would be far away from God. As someone who doesn’t live in Mandeville, but commutes there on a daily basis, it is an abhorrent sight. It is extremely disheartening and a complete stomach churner to see the condition of the streets.

The streets as thoroughfare are also being used as a dumping ground for debris and other waste products. The areas specifically affected by this atrocity are the two taxi parks adjacent to the market, and an area between the parish church unfortunately awarded with the name ‘Stinky Lane’.

Whenever it rains the situation is made even worse as the produce from the market washes down on to the streets. Market vendors also discard rotted produce or peeling on to the area called ‘Stinky Lane’. This then intensifies the putrid odour and attracts flies and rodents.

It is clear from the accumulation of garbage that the cleanliness of the street is being greatly neglected by the responsible authorities. This situation cannot be allowed to continue. Work needs to be done to reclaim the beauty of the streets and create a much healthier environment for all. The street and the people using it deserve much better.