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No excuse, so surrender

Published:Thursday | February 19, 2015 | 10:29 PMCorine La Font

I have oftentimes recommended that when you decide that you want to become an author, you need to have a business behind your book. Once you have made the decision that you want to go into business, you want to be your own boss and chart your destiny, do you start off by

having doubts, giving up and quitting? I don't think so.

On the other hand, it seems that some people do, based on their behaviour, wrong attitude, lack of tenacity and approach towards their business.

Starting a business is like farming. You have to prepare the ground and get the right seeds for the right type of soil. The ground here being the foundation you set and how prepared you are for business mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically. The soil refers to the target audience. Who are you targeting, who makes up your audience? The seed speaks to your products and services. Are they what your customers or clients will be attracted to in order to generate sales (trees) and create a sustainable future? (bear fruit)

Remember, to be a farmer, you need to not only be knowledgeable about the crops and soil and environmental factors. You also need to be caring and patient. No farmer can rush certain plants or crops to grow or bear fruit before their time. The farmer in his knowledge and wisdom knows which crops will be cash crops, which means it can grow quickly and start generating sales fast, versus those that need more

tending and long-term investment. The same applies in business. As an entrepreneur, you need to know what products or services will bring in money faster than others and work on those in the short term, while preparing the rest for long-term cash and sustainability.

How many entrepreneurs take the time to know this? How many of you are prepared to be patient, tenacious, and caring to those areas of your business that require more attention and time? How many of you think that a business is a one-time quick fix for all your problems and needs and that when you say you are in business, that your problems are solved and you're rich? No!

If you are serious about being an entrepreneur, here's what you start doing:

1 You tell yourself everyday that you will be successful. Success is relative, and every little bit of progress is getting you closer to your goals. Celebrate it!

2 You keep building yourself personally and professionally. Today's customer wants to engage with a business owner who is on top of his/her game. Remember, YOU are the solution to their problems!

3 You must be laser focused. A farmer cannot leave his farm up to chance. He is prone to thievery and praedial larcenists. You must keep an eye on your business and don't be distracted. Put on those blinkers!

4 You must NEVER give up! Just when you think your farm will not produce, there will be that glimmer of hope of that one seedling that may just be the one thing that can turn dismay into belief and be your saving grace. Always have faith and belief in yourself and what you do!

If what I have said resonated with you or makes any sense, I would love to hear your comments. Let's start the conversation! Feel free to sign up to start your own business with coaching from me at

n Corine La Font is a

speaker, author, coach and self-publishing consultant. She is also an award-winning publishing resource in the 2013 Small Business Book Awards. Get a copy of her book at Subscribe to her magazine at tune in to her radio programme at and check out

her coaching programme

on her website at She can be reached at