Fri | Sep 20, 2024


Published:Thursday | June 18, 2015 | 12:00 AM


The Father I never had

Today, I walked down the aisle

Blushing, beautifully dressed in white

A friend held my hand

Carried me like his child

But I was a bride, for the first time

I needed to see 'proud' written in my father's eyes

But Mom was there instead and boy did she cry

Proud, her heart filled with joy

My first dance

How I dreamed it would be

My Dad dancing with me

Ecstatic and happy

It's like when I got my first bike

You were never there to teach me how to ride

You never saw how hard I tried

And at Christmas time

You were the first on my wish list

But there was always an excuse, a fatal twist

I'm sorry you didn't see me marry today

You would have been so proud

You would have seen my tears and wiped them away

I would have no fear because you would have been here

I wish I was enough to have made you stay

But I wasn't, you left me anyway


I kept asking

But Mom's answers were always daunting

I'm sorry you never carried me on your back

Giving me the strength I lacked

Today, I shed a tear

Overwhelmed for a moment, feeling sad

Because you're not here on my wedding day

A special day

I wanted to share with one man ... My Dad

The Father I Never Had

PS: Happy Father's Day to all Dads

- Charmaine Wallace


Tell Him Now

Kiss your father his ageing brow

Gaze into his proud and happy eyes

Take his weathered hands to yours

And gently stroke them for the years

Hold him close to your bosom

Quickly you'll hide the tears

Tell him how much you love him

You must tell him now

My mind wanders off to the old days

The mornings he rose before the sun

Gone to milk the cows and tie the goats

To mould the freshly planted fields

And till fresh ground for next season's crop

It has to be done today, too late now to stop

Out there in the far distance

I hear a donkey's hesitant bray

A rude wind stirs a whiff of pigs for a pen

The sweet purpose when the time is ripe

Gently the tops of the cedar trees sway

I lift my head a prayer for father to say

You must kiss your father his ageing brow

Gaze into his proud and loving eyes

And tell him how much you love him

You must tell him now

I close my eyes but the tears keep falling down

To soil the crisp white shirt my father he wears

It hurts for baby sister broke my favourite doll

His strong shoulders heaven to daddy's little girls

Gone soon the burden of my loss it has for sure

He dances me atop the toe of his shiny shoe

Such love no equal on earth, it must be true

Scrubbed clean his coverall and heavy boots

Greasy his hands but squeaky clean of heart

The test of a good father he plays the part

Ne'er too tired a ball game or a story to share

Pleased as punch when for him we achieve

A tower of encouragement the times we fail

Thank God, from such a father as you we hale

You must kiss your father his ageing brow,

Gaze into his proud and watery brown eyes

And tell him how much you love him

You must tell him now

He chops the wood, he stokes the fire

He cleans runny noses, he cuddles them

The one that's strong but light of hand

He is the gentle man we all depend upon

How can a mother do without a father as you?

You're not my dad but you're my father too

Soon I boast my own sons and daughters too

The role I must play well rehearsed for true

I straighten pretty bows and knot tiny neckties

And see them carry their young pride soaring high

I pose betwixt mother and daughter, father and son

Matters not whether today father or grand I am

The pride it swells up in a more than happy breast

Mother she knows, next to her I love my father best

You must kiss your father his ageing brow,

Gaze into his wearing yet still proud eyes

And tell him how much you love him

Ere his Father calls, you must tell him now

- Lloyd R. Moore


Daddy Dearest

Daddy was gentle, quiet, kind

He didn't readily speak his mind

Going on his way

Doing what had to be done

Not causing problems

Not bothering anyone

He did what was expected

Daddy was calm, cool, collected

Though he was quiet and peaceful

Daddy was not a walkover

He showed pleasure and dissatisfaction

We knew when he agreed or disagreed

He expressed his views clearly

There was no misunderstanding

He believed in simplicity

His way had no complexity

Daddy was a man of few words

A better listener than him was hard to find

He had street smarts, common sense

Wisdom and intelligence

My father didn't brag or boast

He had no desire to prove anything

It was left for you to decide

And have your own insight

His salt-and-pepper hair was silky, smooth

He looked distinguished

With a height of six feet, two inches

His features made him stand out

In any crowd

When he entered, you had to look twice

Handsome, yet so humble and nice

Daddy was charming and engaging

Daddy must be one of Job's descendants

For he had patience in abundance

This was truly his special trait

He would drive Mom everywhere and wait

Minutes, hours, it didn't matter

Once he had comic books and a newspaper

There would be no muttering

He wasn't one for complaining

That eighth day of November

Bad news hit us like a ton of bricks

Daddy was stricken with a terminal illness

Death greeted him four weeks after diagnosis

Daddy's December days

The month of his birth, wedding anniversary

His passing, his thanksgiving service

December held many dates in his lifebook

No chance to say what wasn't said

Daddy is always in my heart and head

Love and memories last forever

He's sleeping with a smile

For his children turned out fine

He'd be beaming with pride

His face would show how he felt inside

With the love he had for all five

Daddy is buried in a churchyard

In the parish of his birth

The place that he knew best

Surrounded by sea, trees, mountains

Where it's peaceful and calm

He's resting the way he lived

Daddy dearest, you will always be loved

Always be remembered, always be missed

- S. Dionne Phillips