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An eternal relationship with father

Published:Sunday | June 18, 2023 | 12:56 AM

One relationship that is bestowed to every being as a blessing is that of a parent. The role of parent comprises two sets of qualities that are given to the child by mother and father. There are two distinct roles with different sets of sustenance ability enfolded in them. Single-parent homes are emotionally incomplete for growth of a child, who needs both mother and father. Only one parent means half-parenting or incomplete sustenance, which is similar to giving food but no water to the body or vice versa. Parenting is a big responsibility. Society has divided parenting and has crippled sustenance of children. The love and strength shared by mother and father in the early ages of children makes them who they become in their life.

We call God as our Supreme Father. Why? It is a relationship that every human being has experienced in his or her life. Today, we have forgotten and lost that eternal connection, and so we are longing for it in worldly relationships. A physical father is an image of power, protection, strength, care, provider, supporter, etc. We all have different biological fathers because we all have different physical forms, but the spiritual father is the one and same. We all call ourselves his children and seek to have universal brotherhood in the world. Our Beloved Father, who is remembered for his unconditional love and mercy, acceptance and forgiveness, light and power, truth and bliss is the one we all have a relationship with. We have held his different names and qualities and divided ourselves. We started comparing one another as being superior or inferior in the name of God. Our wisdom helps us to recognise that we all belong to the same Father. We are his eternal children.

It is time now for mankind to reunite and realise the eternal relationship with the Heavenly Father and reconnect with each other spiritually. We can experience peace and his love only when we leave aside the physical differences and comparisons and come under the fatherhood of God. We are made in the same image as God, our Father, the benevolent and merciful one. The love and respect we give to both our physical and spiritual father by reflecting them through us makes every day become Father’s Day. Let us salute all the physical fathers and be a child before our Spiritual Father.

Courtesy: Rajyoga Meditation Center, Kingston (meditation courses and counselling are offered free of charge). Email: kingston@jm.brahmakumaris.org. Or follow them on Instagram: rajyoga_meditation_jamaica